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Services Vehicles Parking Transport Roads Street Sweeping

Vehicles, Parking, Transport and Roads


School zone traffic safety program

The City of Salisbury is embarking on a city-wide school speed monitoring pilot as part of the commitment to ensure road safety in school zones.

As part of this commitment, Council will be trialling two pole mounted Speed Indication Units to be installed across multiple sites over the next six months to improve road safety. The units will measure pre, during and post instalment speeds, to determine the effectiveness of the units on driver behaviour and the level of speed change within school zones.

The pilot will be reviewed in approximately six months’ time from instalment, to determine if the units are successful in reducing speeds in school zones.

What are Speed Indication Units?

Speed Indication Units utilise radar technology to measure vehicle speed and instantly display variable messaging, with the aim to influence driver behaviour and promote safer driving.

  • No personal data is collected including number plate.
  • The units have programmable, variable message displays and can also collect traffic data such as vehicle counts and average and maximum speeds.

Installation on posts enables them to be installed on a variety of road types with minimal verge impacts. Solar panels with battery pack enables operation without mains electrical connection.

The program utilises both digital data and physical hardware to collected data that includes:

  • Vehicle Count
  • Peak Speed
  • Minimum Speed
  • Average Speed

The decision on permanent implementation will be determined by the pilot’s effectiveness on reducing speed.

Rules of the road

In order to operate a motor vehicle or ride a motorcycle in the State of South Australia, you must hold a valid driver's licence and comply with the many different laws governing road users.

Visit the Driving in South Australia page of the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) website for a list of links covering Road Rules, how and when to apply, re-apply or convert your driver's licence to a South Australia Driver's licence if you hold one from another state or country and more.

If you see someone driving dangerously, record the car registration and any other identifying information and report to SA Police on Ph: 131444

If you see someone doing burnouts - intentionally marking the roads with tread marks - record the car registration and any other identifying information and report to SA Police on 131 444.

Registration and insurance

All motor vehicles that are driven on South Australian roads must be road-worthy and registered. This involves the payment of a fee, which includes a component to cover Compulsory Third Party (Bodily) Insurance. This insurance does not cover damage to property such as your or another person's vehicles. For this, you must take out separate insurance through a commercial provider.

Visit the Vehicle Registration information page of the SA Government information website for more information.

Public transport

The City of Salisbury has a major Bus and Train interchange located in the City Centre off Gawler Street, Salisbury. Timetables can be accessed from the Adelaide Metro website.

Bus shelters within the City of Salisbury are maintained by Council. Damaged bus shelters should to be reported to Council's Customer Centre on 08 8406 8222 or by filling in and submitting the online form here

New bus shelter requests should be emailed or forwarded in writing to the Customer Centre at the City of Salisbury, PO Box 8, Salisbury, 5108, or email detailing the bus route, bus stop, road name and which side of the road the new bus shelter is requested.

Road maintenance

Street Sweeping Program

Council provides a regular maintenance street sweeping program to all areas across the City of Salisbury. The street sweeping program follows the verge mowing program from February – December each year.

Maintenance Service Standards

Sweeping of roads aligns with verge mowing program February - December,

Three weekly Summer sweeping of selected streets with high leaf fall December - February

Salisbury City Centre swept three times per week

Mawson Lakes Centre swept weekly

Sweeping of car parks, parking bays, and cul-de-sac’s on average twice per year.

  • Verge cuttings swept within 24 hours
  • Reactive sweeping can be accommodated on an as-needs basis should street sweeping be more than three weeks away from with verge mowing cycle

To find a street sweeping date, simply search for your address on the block that contains your chosen area. Click here for Verge Cutting Program.

Department of Transport (SA) Roads

DIT maintains the following roads. Any problems with these roadways should be reported on 1800 018 313.

Road Name Suburb or Section
Bolivar Road Port Wakefield to Kings Road
Bridge Road All in Salisbury Council Area
Churchill Road North All in Salisbury Council Area
Commercial Road From Park Tce to John Rice Ave
Elder Smith Road From Main North Road to Salisbury Hwy
Heaslip Road All in Salisbury Council Area
Kings Road All in Salisbury Council Area
McIntyre Road All in Salisbury Council Area
Main North Road All in Salisbury Council Area
Montague Road All in Salisbury Council Area
Nelson Road Montague Road to Grand Junction Road
Park Terrace All in Salisbury Council Area
Port Wakefield Road All in Salisbury Council Area
Salisbury Highway John Rice Ave to Magazine Road
Smith Road All in Salisbury Council Area
The Grove Way All in Salisbury Council Area
Walkleys Road All in Salisbury Council Area
Waterloo Corner Road All in Salisbury Council Area

Learn more about vehicles, parking, transport and roads