Resource Recovery Centres
The Resource Recovery Centres are available to the general public for the disposal of Hard Waste and will accept trucks up to two tonne tare.

On behalf of the City of Salisbury the Northern Adelaide Waste Management Authority (NAWMA) operates a weekly general waste collection service, a fortnightly recycling service, and a fortnightly greenwaste service.
Garden and food organics bins are emptied on the alternate week to the recyclables bin collection.
Bins should be placed on the kerb, with wheels closest to your home, by 7 am on the day of collection.
Refer to the calendar on the NAWMA website for the current bin collection days.
Residents are provided with:
Bins are delivered at no charge, usually within two working days of being requested.
The bins provided remain the property of NAWMA and are registered to aid in theft recovery. These bins must be left at a property when you move.
Need a larger mobile garbage bin?
Please contact NAWMA by email to request a larger garbage bin or phone (08) 8259 2100.
Need a second 240L mobile garbage bin on top of your 240L?
Please contact NAWMA by email to request an additional bin or phone (08) 8259 2100.
City of Salisbury residents can use a hard waste service to recycle large items that cannot be placed in the yellow-lid kerbside bin.
NAWMA provides each household with two, free hard-waste services each financial year (July to June).
You can choose to have your items collected from the front of your property or you can use a voucher and take your items to one of two local Resource Recovery Stations (Public Waste Transfer Stations)
The Resource Recovery Centre at Research Road, Pooraka will also take green waste and garden clippings.
Salisbury Council residents who can provide identification by way of drivers' licence, household bill or rates notice will be charged a discounted fee. More information is available here.
To participate in the food organics and garden organics (FOGO) program, residents can obtain a kerbside green waste bin from NAWMA, free of charge. Please contact NAWMA directly to obtain a food organics and green organics kerbside bin.
The Resource Recovery Centres are available to the general public for the disposal of Hard Waste and will accept trucks up to two tonne tare.
When is your waste being collected?
City of Salisbury offers a hard waste service for residents and non-profit organisations (excluding government agencies).
By placing food scraps in a kitchen caddy and recycling these in your kerbside food organics and green organics bin, you are helping divert these from general waste and landfill which also lowers the cost to City of Salisbury ratepayers.
NAWMA currently operates a fortnightly green waste service on behalf of The City of Salisbury.
About half the household waste in Australia is made up of food and garden waste. Most of this material could be composted to save landfill, improve soil condition and provide fertiliser in the garden at no cost.
To participate in this recycling service, new residents should request a 240 litre recycling bin from NAWMA. City of Salisbury Customer Service staff can organise this on your behalf.
Electronic waste (or e-waste), including televisions and computers, is growing three times faster than any other type of waste in Australia.
NAWMA will accept TV's and computers for free at the Pooraka Resource Recovery Centre at 61 Research Road, Pooraka.
‘Hoarding' refers to placing mini skips, shipping containers, erecting scaffolding, installing a temporary toilet or placing building materials or other objects on council land or roads.
Information on what to do if you find an abandoned shopping trolley.