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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Council Contact Us Staff

Contact Us

Office Hours

8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday - excluding public holidays

Contact Details


Salisbury Community Hub, 34 Church Street, Salisbury SA 5108

Postal Address

  • City of Salisbury, 34 Church Street, Salisbury SA 5108
  • PO Box 8, Salisbury SA 5108



Telephone Internationally

Online Contact

There are specific online forms for different contact types.

Please read the following explanations to ensure you select the correct form:

  • Request for Service Form
    This is a request from a customer who has identified the need for the Council to perform one of its services in a specific case (e.g. “I would like you to fix a pothole in the road”).
  • Comment/Compliment/Complaint
    This is feedback by a customer who wishes to comment on the conduct of a member of the staff (e.g. “I found this staff member to be extremely helpful and knowledgeable”), or on the standard of service that the has provided (e.g. “Thank you for removing the old tree on our street we have no more problems with falling branches”).
  • Address Change - Rates Notices
    This is a request to change the address to which your rates notices are sent.
  • Address Change - General
    This is a request to change the address any other Council mail is sent to. This is for residents who receive Council mail for things like Dog Registrations or Water Re-Use, but do not own property in the Council area.

Additional Contact Numbers

Emergency Services

Waste and Recycling

For information about household rubbish, recycling and garden waste, phone NAWMA.



Recreation Centres

Community Centres

Senior Centres

Conditions of entry to our facilities

Mutual respect makes it possible for everyone to enjoy our facilities and services.

You can help by respecting the rights of others and the duties of our staff. For the comfort and safety of everybody, all people within our facilities are expected to follow these guidelines.

  • Be respectful of others, our staff and our facilities
  • Act safely
  • Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult
  • Keep food or drink away from computers and electronic equipment
  • Keep your belongings with you

Staff have the right to determine if these guidelines have not been met, and have the right to ask you to cease unacceptable behaviours, or instruct you to leave.

Social media terms and conditions

Time Zone

We are in the state of South Australia and operate on Central Standard Time (CST). This is 9.5 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) from the first weekend in April to the first weekend in October and 10.5 hours ahead of GMT from the first weekend in October until the first weekend in April (Central Daylight Savings Time - our summer time).