Poles apART
The City of Salisbury understands the benefits of public art and is committed to the development of public art that enhances the landscape throughout the neighbourhoods, retail centres, civic places and green spaces across the City.
The City of Salisbury encourages creative opportunities for individuals and community groups where they look to express this creativity on stobie poles. This application process ensures that relevant stakeholders within proximity of the stobie poles are consulted with and that the proposed artwork is both safe and reflective of City of Salisbury and community values.
Stobie poles are the property of SA Power Networks, applicants must first obtain approval from SA Power Networks.

Step 1 - How to get started
Email applications can be sent to SA Power Networks and should include the following information:
- Your full name and contact details
- The location of the stobie pole
- Information on what you intend to do, ideally a design concept, sketch or similar
In order to assist your application to SA Power Networks we provide this template below which may help guide you through the process and provide the information that they require to consider your application.
Step 2 - Council approval
Once you have received your SA Power Networks approval, its time to get approval from the City of Salisbury.
We will require the following details
- Your full name, address, phone number and email address
- The location of the stobie poles
- Information on what design you intend to paint
- Confirmation that you have received approval from your neighbours, as a minimal guide you will need to obtain 6 signatures from your neighbours who are closest to the poles you are looking to paint, you never know they may want to help you with your project!
Email your application to arts@salisbury.sa.gov.au
Before you start to consider your project, it is important to make sure
- That the painted image shall not be higher than 2 metres from ground level.
- The artwork on the poles must not contain commercial advertising e.g. business name or logo, political material, local messages or directions or any other material likely to offend.
- That permission has been obtained from SA Power Networks.That you consult with the residents directly adjacent the proposed stobie pole site before commencement and gain their approval to paint - they may want to have input into the theme of the work (note that our template helps you to record that information).
- That you are responsible for any ongoing maintenance of the artwork and understand that if the artwork is tagged, with graffiti, SA Power Networks will paint over the work at their discretion. You should consider the use of an anti-graffiti coating once completed (especially if the work is to be on displayed long-term).
- That during the painting process,you ensure the safety of the participants and the public, e.g. use of orange cones, high visibility vests etc. where appropriate.
- That you commit to supplying the City of Salisbury with images of the finished works, artists names and other relevant information such as date and location for our records. Please see our suggested template below.
Step 3 - What happens next
We will email you an approval letter to join the Poles apART project, with this letter you can go to Inspirations Parafield, who is located at 1185 Main North Road, Pooraka to collect your supplies which will include:
- Primer - which must be applied to the pole first prior to painting your design
- Paint - for your design (you select the colours)
- Tools - paintbrushes and rollers
From here you are on your way!
Please make sure that when you complete your poles that you take a photograph and send them back to us with a brief description of what it is and where it is so we can let others know of your beautiful artwork. Below is a template for you to submit your photographs, please email them to arts@salisbury.sa.gov.au.
Further Information
Further information can be found on the SA Power Networks website.
For council approvals and enquiries about public art funding please contact Community Planner Arts and Culture on (08) 8406 8222 or email