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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Parks Dry Creek Linear Park Mawson Lakes 01

Dry Creek Linear Park Mawson Lakes


Dry Creek Linear Park in Mawson Lakes forms a beautiful nature corridor along Dry Creek and it features an enclosed dog park where four legged friends can play.

The park names along Dry Creek change depending on the suburb. When the creek reaches Pooraka the park is named 'Brian Goodall Reserve'. The name Dry Creek Linear Park is used again when the creek reaches Walkley Heights (extending 3.5 kilometres from Walkleys Road to Bridge Road). Find out more about this section of Dry Creek here.

Dry Creek Catchment

Dry Creek flows freely throughout winter, but often dries up during summer.

Covering an area of 100 square kilometres, the catchment extends into the Mount Lofty Ranges. Dry Creek travels some 28 kilometres before it flows into the Barker Inlet at Swan Alley Creek.

A number of aquatic birds have made their home at Dry Creek, including the Australian Grey Teal, White-faced Herons, Cormorants and the Pacific Black Duck. Other birds common in the park include the Willie Wagtail, Yellow Thornbill, New Holland Honeyeater and Australian and Murray Magpies.


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