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Parks St Kilda Boat Club and Marina 01

St Kilda Boat Ramp Permits

Daily permits

A permit is required before you can launch a boat at the St Kilda Boat Ramp.

The cost for a daily permit is $9.00 or concession $7.00 for each time the boat is to be launched and this fee is to be paid at the St Kilda kiosk. The kiosk is located on the south eastern side of the car park.

A permit will be issued by the kiosk owner and it must be displayed in the window of the car. Inspectors regularly patrol the car park and expiation notices will be issued to those who do not have a permit.

Annual permits

An annual permit can be purchased through Council. The cost is $176.50 (GST incl.) and concession $128.50 (GST incl.) and allows unlimited usage of the boat ramp for 12 months. The annual permit commences from the date the permit was issued by Council.

To obtain an annual permit, please download the appropriate application form from here or obtain a copy of this form in person from Council offices.

Please submit the signed form with full payment to a Customer Service Representative at Council’s main offices situated at 34 Church Street, Salisbury. Once the form is processed, a permit will be posted to the applicant.

Six month permits

A 6 month permit can also be purchased through Council using the same process as detailed above. The cost is $96 (GST incl.) or concession $71.50 (GST incl.) and allows the same usage and conditions as the annual permit.

These permits should be displayed in the front window of the vehicle, are specific to the trailer registration number as noted on the permit and are not transferrable.

Replacement permits

Should the permit holder lose their permit, a replacement permit is available at a cost of $12 for a full price permit or $8.50 for pensioner/concession. A request should be made in writing and addressed to Council Offices PO Box 8, Salisbury SA 5108 or via email to


Should you have any queries in relation to Boat Ramp Permits please contact Council’s Customer Centre via or by phoning (08) 8406 8222.