Growing for Gold
What is Growing for Gold?
Growing for Gold is a free program for young people aged 3 to 16, offering a chance to try different sports and recreation activities. Around 600 participants take part each year, with 20% going on to join a sporting club.
All sessions are fully supervised by club representatives and focus on inclusivity, free participation, and fun!
Established by the City of Salisbury in 1999, the program has expanded to include the Cities of Port Adelaide Enfield, Playford, and Tea Tree Gully. This partnership has broadened participation and increased the variety of sports and activities available.
The program will run during the Term 3 School, September 27th - October 12th, 2025.
Growing for Gold’s aims:
To provide an avenue through which local sports and recreation clubs can promote the programs and services they provide,
To provide young people with an opportunity to participate in sport and recreation,
To increase the number of young people involved in sport and recreation.
When is Growing for Gold?
Term 3 school holidays 2025, September 27th - October 12th, 2025.
How do I get involved?
Participant registrations open August 2025.
How does my club get involved this year?
Clubs interested in participating in the Program should contact the Growing for Gold Coordinator:
Growing for Gold is proudly supported by