Salisbury Sport and Recreation Network

Welcome to Salisbury Sport and Recreation Network
The Salisbury Sport and Recreation Network was established as part of the City of Salisbury’s Sports Development Framework. The Network enables us to build strategic and sustainable partnerships that support the growth and development of local sport in Salisbury providing opportunities for people of all ages, abilities and interests to participate in sport.
By joining the network you will receive opportunities to attend or access webinars and workshops, first hand news about developments in City of Salisbury and the latest tools to help your club. Simply complete the subscription form here.
Upcoming events
The Salisbury Sport and Recreation Network together with Northern Sport and Recreation Network forums provide an opportunity for local sporting clubs to come along and hear about up-to-date issues in the sporting community, hear from guest speakers and current programs and services available at Council.
There will be opportunities for local sport and recreation club volunteers to participate in registered training, workshops, and development sessions.
Stay up-to-date through the City of Salisbury Sport and Recreation network through the City of Salisbury Facebook page.
Further information
Please contact 8406 8222 or email
Internal Club forms:
For further information on Club Lease and Licenses please email Sports Leasing:
Club profile forms are required to be submitted annually; information includes club profile, contact details and participation.
Please fill in online form here
Please see printable version here
Please use this form to indicate ground usage. Additional submissions can be completed for all additional pitches or separating summer and winter usage.
Please see the editable form here. Please use this as an attachment in your club profile form.
Club contact update form can be used through out the year if committee members change or contact details require updating.
Please fill in online form here
Please see printable version here
Clubs must seek approval before entering into any sub licence agreement. Once approved a sub licence profile form must also be submitted.
Please fill in online form here
Please see printable version here
Current Maintenance Schedule
This schedule outlines the particular responsibilities of Council and the Lessee, and must be read in conjunction with the Lease.
Club Initiated Work Form
Clubs are not able to undertake any works, including repairs or maintenance, without prior written approval from Council.
Please fill in online form here
Useful External Links
This Victorian Government resource provides information and templates in all aspects of club management.
The South Australian Government, through the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing has developed the “Club of the Future” guide that will support clubs to explore innovative ways to deliver quality experiences, share resources, services and facilities, increase affordability and promote contemporary approaches to volunteering.
Sport Australia’s free online club assessment tool "Game Plan" replaces the Club Health Check and provides direction and resources in areas such as:
- Finance
- Governance
- Marketing and communications
- Participation
- Safe and inclusive
- Strategy, roles and responsibilities
- Values and behaviours
- Workforce
Good Sports provides tools, resources and accreditation for clubs around alcohol management, smoking regulations, mental health, illegal drugs, safe transport and helping to create a safe, welcoming, family-friendly environment.
Please click here for current grant opportunities at the City of Salisbury.
External grants are available to assist grass roots sporting clubs, open at different times of the year and through a variety of agencies and organisations.
Play by the Rules provides information, resources, tools and free online training (now hosted by Sport Integrity Australia) to increase the capacity and capability of administrators, coaches, officials, players, parents and spectators to prevent and deal with discrimination, harassment, child safety, inclusion and integrity issues in sport.
Play it On is a social enterprise that provides funding to assist children from financially challenged families participate in their chosen sport. Play it On collects pre-used sports gear, rejuvenates it and sells it online. The profits raised provide a subsidy for sporting club fees of eligible children. Ways you can assist or benefit are detailed on their website.
The Victorian-based Sports Community provides free and membership-based resources, tips, training and webinars in all aspects of club management.
Welcoming Clubs is Welcoming Australia’s overarching initiative for programs that embrace the power of sport and recreation as a vehicle for inclusion, opportunity and belonging for all members of the community.