Aged Services
From cultural programs to finding a home, at the City of Salisbury positive ageing is more than a catch phrase.

From cultural programs to finding a home, at the City of Salisbury positive ageing is more than a catch phrase.
The City of Salisbury's Community Information Service is a free community information and referral service to residents and visitors alike.
Salisbury Council is committed to providing equal access for all residents to participate in the community and to Council's facilities and services.
Salisbury Memorial Park (SMP) is located at the corner of Spains Road and York Terrace, directly opposite the Chidda Railway station.
With a huge variety of services, events and programs, there is always something going on for young people.
The Salisbury Homelessness Strategy was developed in response to the increasing numbers of people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness in the region.