Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan
What is the Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan?
The Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan is City of Salisbury’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan. It has been developed with extensive community consultation. It is a plan to achieve 8 outcomes that were identified by the community which will make Salisbury an inclusive, accessible and welcoming place for people of all abilities to live, work and play.
Why is it required?
State Government legislation now requires all local governments to have a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan.
What was the initial community consultation process?
During the development of the Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan, Council consulted over 120 community members to learn what would make Salisbury a better place for people with disabiilty to live, work and be a part of. A number of community consultations were held including focus groups, inclusion forums and online. Those who took part included people with disability, carers and families, organisations and groups that support people with disability, and service providers.
A video summary of the findings for the first round of consultation can be found here.
If you would like a copy of the full report on the community consultation contact Mike Taggart on 8406 8368 or email mtaggart@salisbury.sa.gov.au
What are the eight outcomes?
Eight key areas that supports people with disability to live well in Salisbury are:
1. Support for Health and Wellbeing through Inclusive Programs, Services and Events
2. Accessible Buildings Streets and Open Spaces
3. Appropriate Information and Responsive Customer Service
4. Effective Contribution to Community and Decision Making
5. Proactive Planning and Building Assessment Processes
6. Informed and Supportive Working Environments
7. Informed Community with Inclusive Attitudes and Behaviours
8. Ability Inclusion Planning is integrated across Council Business
A graphical representation of these eight outcomes can be downloaded here.
Where can I get more information?
For any enquiries, contact Mike Taggart on 8406 8368 or email mtaggart@salisbury.sa.gov.au
There are a limited number of print copies of this detailed version and the Easy Read version available on request.
You can also request:
- A Braille copy of the detailed version of the Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan
- MP3 audio file of the Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan which can be provided on CD or USB
View the Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan here
View the Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan Easy Read Version here
We look forward to hearing from you.