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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Community Disability Access Inclusion Network 1

Disability Access Inclusion Network (DAIN)

Disability Access Inclusion Network (DAIN) helps the City of Salisbury improve inclusion in our community

The Network has regular meetings in the Salisbury Community Hub with Council staff.

Membership is open to anyone who lives and/or works in the City of Salisbury and:

  • Lives with disability
  • Family or carers of people with disability
  • People working in the disability sector

As a DAIN member, you can connect, advise and learn about inclusion in Council and the whole community. DAIN also support Council to implement its Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan.

DAIN supports the inclusion of people with physical, sensory, neurological, emotional, and intellectual impairment. Meetings are physically accessible and AUSLAN interpreters/live captioning are available upon request. We are happy to try to accommodate other access requirements.

What do they do?

DAIN is involved in all sorts of Council business. DAIN provide inclusion advice on a range of Council services, programs, and projects. Some recent examples that DAIN has been involved in include:

  • Community consultation on John Church Street Upgrades
  • Development of Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan
  • Participating in the review of the Salisbury City Plan

To join or get more information:

If you would like more information or like to join, please register your interest by accessing one of the following:

  • Email: with the subject ‘DAIN’
  • Phone: 8406 8390
  • In-person or post: Salisbury Community Hub, 34 Church Street, Salisbury SA 5108

You can also share this networking opportunity with family and friends. Download a flyer here.

Related information

Ability Inclusion Strategic Plan