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Community Twelve25 Youth Services Young Person With Help Sign

Youth Crisis & Support Services

If you or someone you who know is looking for help, you can find a crisis or support service in the area.

Crisis Housing

Anyone in South Australia experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

  • information on available options
  • referral to specialist homelessness services
  • referral to support services

Free call 1800 003 308

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For young people aged 15 to 25 years.

Address: 46 Carrington Street, Adelaide

Free call 8405 8540 or 1800 807 364 , Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

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Youth110 is the innovative service operated by St John’s Youth Services that is continuing to provide a crisis response to the most vulnerable young people in South Australia.

Located in the UNO Apartment complex in the heart of Adelaide, youth110 provides 30 self-contained apartments over four floors, with office space for St John’s Youth Services to operate 24 hour care and case management support.

Youth110 is able to accommodate young people in crisis aged 16 to 21 including singles, couples, single parents, young families and siblings. In addition, youth110 is the first youth crisis accommodation service in Australia that can provide apartment-style accommodation and support to young single dads.

Youth110 provides an empowering and therapeutic approach to supporting young people. Young people identify their needs and goals, and workers provide guidance and support to reach their goals while providing coaching to develop independent living skills. Case Management support focuses on life domains such as education, employment, health, finances, child care, and relationships, while the focus is kept on what keeps the young person strong emotionally and mentally.

Youth110 is a crisis response. While the duration of a young person’s stay is generally short, the service is able to respond to the complex needs of each young person and the length of stay may be varied accordingly.

Referrals for youth110 can be made through:

Youth Gateway (Trace-A-Place), Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm: 1300 306 046

Homeless Connect, after hours and weekends: 1800 003 308

To contact youth110, phone 8231 3314 or email

Inner North and North East Youth Homelessness Service

Target group

Young people aged 15 to 25 years and their children who are currently homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Service description

  • supportive transitional accommodation
  • case management
  • referral and advocacy
  • assistance to access accommodation

Call 8397 9333

Address Corner Bridge Road and Maxwell Road, Ingle Farm SA 5098


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There are services designed specifically for young people aged 25 years and under, that you can use to help you find and keep appropriate accommodation.

If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, there are services that can help you. You can choose to use a general homelessness service or those designed specifically for young people.

Call 131 299 on Monday Friday, 9am to 5pm

Address 1 Ann Street, Salisbury SA 5108

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RentRight SA is a free, independent service, helping people maintain their tenancies in private rental, community housing or public housing.

  • Support to sustain or access a residential tenancy
  • Education and information about a tenant’s rights and responsibilities
  • Advocacy and advice regarding tenancy issues and the housing options available
  • Help navigating the housing system

They can also help you access legal services, health services, and social services to sustain your tenancy.

The tenancy team are experienced with SACAT proceedings. They can support tenants to make sure they are fairly represented through the process.

Appointments now available from Twelve25 Youth Centre fortnightly on Fridays, call to book an appointment.

Call 1800 060 462 Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm

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Young people aged 12 to 25 living in City of Salisbury can access free and confidential mental health support at Twelve25 from a qualified headspace worker without a doctor’s referral.

Visit the headspace at Twelve25 webpage.

At headspace Edinburgh North they're here for you. They provide free and confidential support where young people aged between 12 and 25 can access qualified youth mental health professionals. They do this through our General Mental Health and Individual Placement Support (IPS) programs.

Location: 2 Peachy Road, Edinburgh North SA 5112

Call (08) 8209 0700


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eHeadspace Support

Connect with them 1-on-1. They are open 9am - 1am (Melbourne time) 7 days a week for a 1-on-1 chat. It's a confidential, free and safe space to talk about what's going on. eheadspace provides free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 - 25 and their families and friends. If you’re based in Australia and going through a tough time, eheadspace can help.

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Adelaide Sexual Health Centre (ASHC), formerly Clinic 275, provides a free and confidential specialist sexual health service for South Australia. This includes medical consultations and advice, testing and treatment for all sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV, on-site laboratory testing, partner notification and support, and much more.

Effective 28th of August 2023, they are trialing walk in appointments on Monday's, Tuesday's, Thursday's and Friday's for those who do not show signs of STI, need PEP or PrEP. Bookings will be available on Wednesdays

Location: 137 East Terrace, Adelaide

Call: (08) 7177 2800

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The SA Health Mental Health Triage Service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This service:

  • is the main point of access into
  • can provide advice and information in a mental health emergency or crisis situation
  • is staffed by mental health clinicians
  • will assess and refer to acute response teams where appropriate.

If you feel that you may be in need of mental health support and have never accessed a mental health service before, please contact your general practitioner or phone our mental health triage service on 13 14 65.

Visit SA Health website for more information and services.

CAMHS provide a range of therapeutic counselling services for children and adolescents between birth and 18 years of age and their families including assessment, counselling, consultative and group programs, training and development, prevention and promotion activities for children and adolescents experiencing emotional, behavioural or psychiatric problems. See website links for further information available.

Adolescents over 16 years of age may contact CAMHS without parent or guardian consent or knowledge. School Counsellors, General Practitioners and other service providers may also contact CAMHS however contact from the parent/guardian or young person (if over 16 years of age) is usually required to formalise the referral.

Call (08) 8252 0133

Address Elizabeth City Centre, Suite 11, 50 Elizabeth Way Elizabeth


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MYH is a trauma-responsive youth health service working within the Health and Recovery, Trauma Safety Services (HaRTSS) of the Women’s and Children’s Health Network in Metropolitan Adelaide.

They offer a range of free and confidential clinical health services to vulnerable young people aged 12–25, with a focus on young people under 18 years.

They provide a therapeutic trauma responsive health service covering the following areas:

  • Health assessments, screening and management of general medical issues (they run Nurse/Midwife and Dr led clinics at our sites and at various outreach locations)
  • Antenatal and postnatal care
  • Sexual health (including screening, pap smears, contraception advice and emergency contraception) and education
  • Immunisation and health education
  • Programs for pregnant and parenting young people and their partners, including:
    • health care, education, training and career pathways
    • educational case management and group activities

Location: 6 Gillingham Road, Elizabeth

Call: 7117 0920

Visit their website.

If you or someone you know, is living with mental health challenges, Skylight offers specialised mental health individual support.

Location: 15 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth

Call: (08) 8378 4100


Visit their website.

SHINE SA’s service and education delivery model works to provide sexual health education, early intervention, health promotion, clinical services and therapeutic counselling.

SHINE SA provides nurse-led and medical clinical assessment, treatment and counselling services.

Drop-in clinics provide free responsive access to young people under the age of 30.

Call 8300 5300

Address 57 Hyde Street, Adelaide or 64c Woodville Road, Woodville


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Free confidential, safe counselling service, supporting you - and your support network - to work through recent or past sexual abuse and sexual assault.

Call: (08) 8202 5060


Visit their website.

Call 1300 224 636

Financial Support

AnglicareSA financial counsellors provide financial education and support as they work towards a stable financial future. Financial counsellors can also contact creditors, advocating on the clients’ behalf, to establish affordable payment plans for outstanding bills. The ultimate goal of financial counselling is to empower clients with knowledge and confidence in dealing with their finances.

Call: 1800 759 707

Visit their website.

If you're a resident of South Australia and require guidance or support in managing living costs or budgeting, the Helpline is here to assist you. This service offers valuable information, advice, and referrals to suitable resources such as financial counselling, case work, advocacy, and community education.

The Helpline operates Monday to Thursday from 9:30 am to 8:00 pm, and on Fridays from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm (excluding public holidays).

Call: 1800 025 539

Visit their website.

Saver Plus is a free financial education and matched savings program that helps families on a tight budget to gain financial skills, establish a savings goal, and develop long-term saving habits. As an incentive, participants can receive up to $500 in matched savings to put towards a range of education costs for your children.

You may be eligible if you:

  • Are 18 years or over
  • Have a child at school or attend vocational education yourself
  • Have a regular income from paid employment (you or your partner)
  • Have a current Health Care or Pension Card
  • Receive an eligible Centrelink payment

Call: 1300 610 355


Visit their website.

In a tough spot? UnitingSA is here to help you and your family through it.

They offer a range of services and programs for the immediate and long-term support you need to help manage any household or financial difficulties.

They also offer advocacy, support, information and advice and can refer you to other services and community activities.

Call: (08) 8440 2299

Visit their website.

Salisbury Community Organisation Against Poverty inc (SCOAP) administers a No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS®) in the Salisbury Community and also administers the Salisbury Emergency Relief Fund (SERF)

NILS® is a community based program that enables people to access fair, safe and equitable credit for the purchase of essential goods

The No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS®) was originally set up by Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service nearly 30 years ago to provide interest-free loans for individuals or families on a low income

The SCOAP NILS® Program was the first No Interest Loan Scheme program in South Australia and has been in operation since 1995 serving the Salisbury Council area

Not in the Salisbury council area? No problem there are NILS networks set up Australia wide servicing a number of different areas.

Call 0487 993 931

Address Bagster Road Community Centre, 17 Bagster Road, Salisbury North


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Drug and alcohol support

Centacare Drug and Alcohol Counselling (CDAC) is a free and voluntary counselling service.

CDAC offers individualised, one-to-one sessions for people of any age who are interested in addressing their drug and/or other drug use.

The service provides a range of supports including ongoing counselling, information and education, harm reduction, relapse prevention and connection to other services as appropriate.

The service is guided by the individual, with goals and desired outcomes identified by the person seeking support. Those seeking support can refer themselves or be referred through their GP, other health services, DASSA, ADIS, family and other support agencies.

Location: 45 Wakefield Street, Adelaide

Call: 8215 6700 between 9am to 5pm.


Visit their website.

Centacare’s Integrated Youth Substance Misuse Specialist Service (IYSMSS) provides an integrated model of care for young people aged 12-24 years with issues around substance misuse.

  • Outreach AOD phone-based counselling for young people aged 12 to 24 years
  • Sobering Up Service at Alban Place, Stepney, for young people aged 12 to 24 years if they do not have flu-like symptoms such as a fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue or shortness of breath.
  • Residential Service for young people aged 12 to 24 years of age. Individual and group counselling is ongoing.

Call: 8215 6785

Visit their website.

The Drug and Alcohol Youth Outreach Service provides treatment intervention for young people aged 10-25 years with mild to moderate substance use issues who want to make changes to their drug and alcohol use, improve their health and wellbeing and learn the skills to achieve independence. The service offers short-term intensive individual drug and alcohol counselling and case management and ongoing group based therapies, that include:

  • Dialectical behavioural therapy skills
  • Life skills and personal capacity building
  • Harm minimisation information
  • Peer led recovery oriented groups
  • Opportunity to participate in consumer graduate program

Eligibility criteria

Young people male or female who have an issue with A&OD and who can be supported to make changes.

Referral process

Self-referral or agency referral. Contact by phone or email.

Call (08) 8417 8100

Address 35 Richard Street, Hindmarsh


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There are a range of services available in South Australia for people who experience problems with alcohol and other drugs, which means there are many options for people with differing needs and treatment preferences.

Confidential telephone counselling and information available between 8.30am and 10pm every day.

Call 1300 131 340

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They provide free legal advice, court representation and legal information to young people. They can support you if you have a legal dispute, have been questioned or charged by police, or you need information about the legal system and your rights.

Call: (08) 8202 5960

Visit their website.

Personal Support Agencies

They help young people get their learning back on track with our wide range of Youth, Education & Training Services.

For more information, call (08) 8273 7100 or email

Youth support
The reasons for homelessness are varied and never simple. In our Inner Southern Youth Homelessness Services, we work with youth who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to help them find and maintain long term stable housing.

Call (08) 8177 4900.

Young South Australians struggling with life have been coming to Baptist Care for help for more than 20 years. Many are working through complex issues of family breakdown, domestic violence, homelessness, drug addiction and more.

They offer:

  • Crisis support: 24 hour supported residential accommodation service with a comprehensive range of personal supports.
  • Support to successfully move to independent housing: If you are ready to be more independent, they can offer you a place in a semi-supported unit. You still receive all the support you need – with the clear aim of equipping you to be able to live on your own.

Call 8209 5000

Address Martin House, 107 Salisbury Highway, Salisbury


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Emergency food

Fred's Van provides comfort and a warm, nutritious meal for those experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness and marginalisation. Operating from eight sites across Adelaide and two regional sites in Port Lincoln and Port Pirie, this emergency service is delivered by the work and commitment of more than 650 volunteers. What do they offer;

  • Feeding those experiencing homelessness, disadvantage or social isolation with over 800 meals served each week.
  • Providing a warm, nutritious meal, fruit, drinks, blankets and beanies at ten sites across South Australia.
  • Supporting the most vulnerable people in our community.

See days and locations below

Wednesdays - Elizabeth

Vinnies Centre

Address 8 Langford Drive, Elizabeth

Every Wednesday 6pm and Sunday 12pm

Thursdays - Gawler

Pioneer Park

Address Lyndoch Road (next to the visitors centre)

Every Thursday 6pm

Sundays - Salisbury

Twelve25 Youth Centre

Address 17 Wiltshire Street, Salisbury

Every Sunday 6pm

Call 8112 8700

Assistance Hotline 1300 729 202


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  • Financial counsellor (book appointments, Tuesdays 9am to 4pm)
  • Woolworth vouchers: Ring on Tuesday morning 9am to book in. To be eligible you need to be in the City of Salisbury Council area and registered with Centrelink.

Call (08) 7070 6717

Address Bagster Road Community Centre, 17 Bagster Road, Salisbury North

Necap offers a number of services including:

  • Food Parcels
  • Thrift Shop
  • Annual Christmas Appeal
  • Tax Help
  • School Breakfast Program - providing food and assistance to local primary schools
  • Volunteer Service Training
  • Information and Referral to other organisations as applicable if services are not available from Necap

Location: 489 North East Road, Hillcrest SA

Call: (08) 8266 2780

Visit their website.

Emergency assistance for Salisbury residents which includes;

  • Once a month food parcels
  • Bus tickets
  • prescription medication assistance

Morning tea every Wednesday from 11am to 1pm in the gathering place. Free lunch on 2nd Wednesday of the month, all welcome.

Call (08) 8258 2675 Monday to Thursday 11am to 2pm

Address Corner of Brown Terrance and Park Terrace, Salisbury


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A welcoming community site which offers a range of anti-poverty services to people living in the northern suburbs of Adelaide.

Emergency assistance

They respond to practical needs and provide relief through the provision of food, clothing, pharmacy vouchers (for needed medication), shoe vouchers for children, blankets and other linen. They also provide support, advocacy and referral to other specialist services.Emergency assistance is available Monday to Friday (9.30am – 12noon).

Call 1800 061 551 to book your appointment between 9am and 9.30am.

Address The Mission, Elizabeth 91-93 Elizabeth Way, Elizabeth

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Family reconnect and support

Therapeutic Youth Service - Ruby's Reunification Program

Is a young person in your home in need of a safe place to stay while your family works together to improve relationships?

We help young people and their parents or caregivers to resolve conflict and improve relationships. We also welcome young people who are currently not at home, but would like to find a way to return by providing:

  • a safe place for the young person to stay, spending some nights at Ruby’s and some at home where appropriate
  • family counselling
  • 24-hour therapeutic support
  • access to tailored services for families.

Ruby’s supports 12-to-17-year-olds who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The young person could be:

  • living at home but at risk of leaving or being kicked out because of conflict or a relationship break down with their family
  • staying in and out of home (eg spending some nights at home and some nights with friends, extended family or elsewhere)
  • out of home and haven’t stayed there for a while. They would like to return home and aren’t receiving an independent income from Centrelink.

Call (08) 8202 5060

Open times Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Address 10 Pitt Street, Adelaide


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Supporting young people and their families in Salisbury.

Reconnect is a free and confidential service for young people and families who are experiencing conflict.

They can help you, if you are;

  • A young person aged between 12 to 18 years
  • The parent or carer of a young person and could use some help or advice

They can see you at home, at school, another public place or at their office.

Call (08) 8202 5938 or (08) 8202 5939 from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Address: 94 Waterloo Corner Road, Paralowie


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New arrival support

The Newly-Arrived Youth Service (NAYS) is a specialist Reconnect Service that works with newly arrived young people and their families who have recently moved to Australia within the last 5 years.

The program helps to strengthen the family unit, and support families to address potential barriers that cause conflict, family breakdown and homelessness.

Qualified staff work with young people and their families to resolve conflict, connect them with learning and employment programs, empower them to stay in school when it gets tough and to find somewhere safe to stay if necessary.

The service offers free and confidential support, family mediation and access to other support services.

This specialist service helps newly arrived young people and refugees tackle some of the difficulties that come with settling in a new country.

Call (08) 8305 9400

Address The Magdalene Centre, 82 Gilbert Adelaide

Visit their website

At ARA they know that young people are the future and they celebrate who they are today. ARA care about supporting young people to overcome challenges and help them towards achieving their goals. ARA is passionate about helping young people to succeed in life. They provide a range of one-to-one support as well as group programs. Their services support young people through their education and employment pathways, as well as focusing on their safety, well-being and settlement in South Australia. Their programs provide the opportunity for young people to become emerging leaders in their local communities, volunteers and engage in social participation such as;

  • Case management services and support
  • Homework lub
  • Education support
  • Employment support
  • Drop-in youth hangout
  • Learner's preparation
  • School holiday activities
  • Youth art
  • Youth Ambassador Leadership program

Call (08) 8354 2951

Address Ann St (Corner of Commercial Rd), Salisbury


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Domestic violence

Women's Safety Service SA

Target group

Women and their children experiencing domestic or Aboriginal family violence.

Service description

  • Immediate safety response
  • Accommodation
  • Material assistance
  • Advice and information
  • Advocacy
  • Living skills development
  • Health and wellbeing support

Call 8255 3622

You can also call the 24h Domestic Violence Crisis Line on 1800 800 098 or 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)


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