One Card Network

Objective: To provide the South Australian community with access to the holdings, online resources and digitised items of all public libraries, utilising a single borrower membership.
Led by the Libraries Board, and through a Memorandum of Agreement between State and Local Government, public libraries have always worked as a collaborative network, sharing local resources for the benefit of all South Australians.
The business case to establish a single Library Management System for all South Australian public libraries that would improve services for the public library users and leverage lower operating costs through consortia purchasing. The business case was subsequently endorsed by the Local Government State Executive and the Minister Assisting the Premier in the Arts.
What this means for Salisbury Library Service members
The Salisbury Library Service was one of the first libraries to join the One Card Network.
The service offers 24/7 access to the centralised online catalogue where millions of books, DVDs, CDs and magazines can be found and reserved with a click. Digital holdings and e-resources are also integrated into the catalogue.
When items become available, they will be delivered for collection to the Salisbury Library Service or any other SA public library that you nominate. You can return the items at any library.
Lending periods and overdue policies for items borrowed will depend on which library issues that item. We ask that you read all accompanying receipts that outline due dates.
Your membership also gives you access to a range of online resources.
As a customer of the One Card Network you are agreeing to
- Have one borrowing membership that is attached to a nominated home library
- Return or renew items by their due date
- Follow the local rules of the library from which you visit and/or borrow