City Plan 2040
The City Plan 2040 is the City of Salisbury’s strategic plan that guides our work and decision making, driving our key strategic projects and focus areas with a long-term vision for our city and community.
All councils are required by law to have a strategic plan.
Our vision
A progressive, sustainable and connected community
The City Plan sets the scene of what the City of Salisbury currently looks like, and where we are heading. There is a list of trends, changes, influences, and developments that impact both our city and community. The City Plan anticipates and addresses these as opportunities, which inform what we do as a Council over the next few years.
The City Plan has four themes, called Directions, that help us achieve our vision:
- A welcoming and liveable city
- A sustainable city
- A growing city that creates new opportunities
- Innovation and Business Development.
The first three Directions are external facing, while the fourth looks at our internal operations and how we can improve our services to the community. These have not changed from the last City Plan.
Under each Direction, there are several Foundations, which are the key outcomes we want to achieve.
Under this, there are a series of Strategic Intents and Critical Actions.
The Critical Actions are key things that Council wants to deliver. These include many aspects of what the City of Salisbury does, such as strategic projects, capital works, and ongoing operations.
We undertook public consultation on the draft City Plan in May 2024. Feedback received was used to inform and shape the final City Plan. Our Elected Members then approved this final document in August 2024.
All councils are required to publish an Annual Report to provide an update on how we are tracking or have delivered on our strategic plan.
An end-of-financial year Annual Report will outline the progress of the City Plan 2040.
Under legislation, the City Plan is required to measure the outcomes that we want to achieve. A series of Indicators are provided to give insight into how we are tracking against our key outcomes.
This information is outlined in our City Dashboard.