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Council About Our Vision

Thrive Strategy

The City of Salisbury is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our community.

Council plays a key role in helping residents develop a sense of community and build wellbeing by providing facilities, services, programs and events, and supporting community groups and initiatives.

The Thrive Strategy guides how Council will deliver our places, spaces, services, and programs into the future to support our community’s wellbeing. Thrive identifies six key outcomes for community wellbeing to support a thriving City.

  • Socially connected We have strong networks of friendship and support
  • Physically active We have active lifestyles
  • Learning and aspiring We are actively developing and applying our individual talents and pursuing our dreams
  • Culturally enriched We are exposed to local art, culture, and heritage
  • Civically engaged We are actively involved in our communities
  • Safe and secure We feel safe and have access to dignified housing and nutritious food.

The Thrive Action Plan 2024-2026 outlines a range of initiatives designed to achieve meaningful progress and support the key outcomes.

You can get involved in a range of programs to support your wellbeing.

Download the Thrive Strategy (1.5MB PDF)

Download the Thrive Action Plan (4.3MB PDF)