Council Fees and Charges
2024/25 Council fees and charges
Fees and charges can be updated throughout the financial year and therefore should be reviewed periodically.
Fees and Charges for the 2024/25 financial year were endorsed by Council on Monday 27 May 2024.
Fees and Charges can be updated throughout the financial year and therefore should be reviewed periodically.
The basis for increases in fees and charges in 2024/25 is determined by the following categories:
Statutory charges
Where charges are made in accordance with legislation requirements, such charges have been adjusted in accordance with any legislative changes at the time but maybe subject to further changes.
Fees under the control of Council
Various fees will have been increased by different amounts based on specific cost pressure or market forces, or may have been subject to recent Council policy
In some cases, fees are subsidised or discounted from normal commercial rates in order to achieve social / community objectives or provide specific benefit to residents.