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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Development Building Business Corporate Business Directional Signs

Corporate Business Directional Signs

Corporate Business Directional signs are a common feature throughout Salisbury, are constructed and erected by Council. They are an initiative to assist the public to navigate our city easily and to promote local businesses.

These stylish signs also eliminate unsightly sandwich board advertising. The result is a pleasing streetscape. Is this an opportunity for your business?

The directional sign panels are leased from Council for a five year period or part thereof*. The panels and printing are uniform in colour and font style. Corporate colours and logos are not permitted on corporate signs.

Existing Signs

Lease fees for a sign panel on an existing corporate sign are:

Large Sign: signs approximately 5.5 to 6.0 metres in height and with between 10 and 12 sign panels attached. The lease fee per panel for a new business on this sign is $905.00 (inc. GST) for a 5-year lease or part thereof*. Renewal of existing leases for an additional 5 years thereafter is $524.00 (inc. GST).

Small Sign: signs approximately 2.5 to 3 metres in height and with 5 panels attached. The lease fee per panel for a new business on this sign is $432.00 (inc. GST) for a five-year lease or part thereof*. Renewal of existing leases for an additional 5 years thereafter is $335.00 (inc. GST).

Please note * All leases are on a five-year cycle and the fee includes the initial placement of your business on the sign. A lease period for all panels on each sign concludes on the same date.

New Signs

For new sign requests please contact our Customer Service on (08) 8406 8222 or email us.

Rewording Existing Panels

For businesses that wish to change the wording on their existing panel:

  • Large sign - $(upon request)
  • Small sign - $(upon request)

Further Information

Please note that the information above is intended as a guide only.

Further clarification of these matters can be obtained from the Development Services Department on phone: (08) 8406 8222 or email the development department.