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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Council Grants Sports Community Recreation Centre

Minor Capital Works Grant Program

The City of Salisbury, through its Minor Capital Works Grants Program, aims to assist eligible organisations providing opportunities to the Salisbury community in undertaking facility improvements.

The Minor Capital Works Grant Program aims to deliver outcomes in alignment with the City Plan 2040. By applying for eligible projects you are helping the City of Salisbury to achieve one of its outcomes of being a welcoming and liveable City.


Applicants must be one (or more) of the following:

  • An incorporated association or society under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985.
  • A Registered Charity (small or medium) with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission.
  • Operating under the auspices (via formal auspicing agreement) of either an incorporated association or a Registered Charity.

Eligible organisations must also:

  • Be significantly free of Council debt;
  • Not have received MCWGP funding in the past 24 months; and
  • Meet all application requirements.

Step 1:

Download the MCWGP Guidelines & Eligibility Criteria Booklet to ensure eligibility is met.

There are three categories of funding available to eligible applicants:

CATEGORY A – up to $75,000

Organisations that meet one of the following may apply for CATEGORY A funding:

  • Have a current lease or sub-lease of a Council owned building; or
  • Have a current licence or sub-license over Council owned land.
  • Operate from facilities located on land where the City of Salisbury maintains a contracted interest to purchase that land.

CATEGORY B – up to $35,000

Organisations that meet one of the following may apply for CATEGORY B funding:

  • Own their own their own facilities (land and/ or buildings); and
  • Record less than $3m in revenue in the two years prior to application.

CATEGORY C – up to $10,000

Organisations that meet one of the following may apply for CATEGORY C funding:

Organisations that;

  • Own their own facilities; or
  • Hold a current lease or sub-lease of a Council owned building; or
  • Hold a licence or sub-licence over Council owned land; or
  • Hold a current hire agreement to use Council managed facilities such as an indoor recreation centre or community centre; or
  • Operate from facilities located on land where the City of Salisbury maintains a contracted interest to purchase that land; and
  • Record less than $3m in revenue in the two years prior to application.

Step 2:

Before commencing your application, please complete a Proposal to Undertake Works on Council Land Form and send to

Step 3:

After receiving confirmation that the Proposed Works are feasible a formal Application Form is required to apply for Minor Capital Works Grant Program.

Application Forms must be submitted via the following Online Application Form and once verified as complete will be considered at the next meeting of the Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee.

MCWGP Online Application Form

A Project Budget will need to be completed, uploaded, and submitted with your application:

MCWGP Project Budget Template

Assessment of Applications

Complete and eligible applications will be assessed by the Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee and applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application.

For more information, please contact 8406 8222 or email