Salisbury Legends Awards Winners 2018
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Living Legend

The Living Legend Award is awarded to an individual or group improving the quality of life in the City of Salisbury through learning and education, volunteering, environmental sustainability or community safety.
This year we are proud to present the award to Ray Hall.
Ray has been a stalwart of the Salisbury community for the past 50 years as an active and passionate advocate for the community.
He has served as Chairman of the Penfield Sports Association from 1998-2017, as well as President of the Penfield Model Engineers Society for 33 years. Ray has been a member of the National Military Vehicle Museum since 2014 and actively volunteers every Monday as part of the Men’s Shed that restore vehicles, including the Salisbury Council Ute, and is currently working on a 1918 Army truck. As the workshop manager, Ray supervises a Men’s Shed who regularly have 12 attendees undertaking the restorations, and has also included eight High School students participating in a Flexible Learning Options (FLO) program. Through Ray’s leadership and commitment to community, he is providing an environment for senior men to have fellowship and friendship and for younger people to learn and gain valuable skills, enhancing people’s lives across all ages and providing valuable social benefits across our community.
Ray’s vision for the community as a whole is showcased by his leadership and tenacity when the Penfield Sports Association looked like it might close following a downsize in members and the disposal of surplus land. Following a plea to the then State Premier, he was able to secure a long term lease for the nine resident clubs. This provided certainty for the Penfield Sports Association and enabled the Penfield Model Engineers Society to upgrade and rebuild the facilities.
Through Ray’s continued leadership, initiative and efforts, the Penfield Model Engineers Society has continued to build and expand in recent years with Ray instrumental in securing, coordinating and supervising work-for-the dole participants and indigenous work programs, with over 100 young people gaining valuable skills and experience.
Working Legend

The Working Legend Award recognises an individual or group that is enhancing the City of Salisbury by showcasing business excellence, or an individual or group improving the City of Salisbury through their business collaborations, events or innovation.
Our deserving recipient for 2018 is Robert Mattiske.
Robert has been a proactive member of the Salisbury Town Centre Association for a number of years including a regular committee member of the original Salisbury Town Centre Association. His regular contributions during meetings showcased his passion and desire for a robust and dynamic Town Centre.
Despite operating a very successful 24-hour, second generation family business in Salisbury, his commitment to the community, including his local service club and being an active member of his children’s school’s governing council.
Described as an intelligent, articulate and respectful man whose heart has always been in Salisbury and its community – we are pleased to award Robert with this Working Legend Award.
Active Legend

The Active Legend Award is designed for an individual or group that has helped build pride and success in the City of Salisbury as a sportsperson, team, coach, umpire, official, artist or musician.
And this year’s winner – Geoff Ambler – personifies the Active Legend Spirt.
As president of the Salisbury Bowling Club, Geoff has overseen the redevelopment of the club into one of the leading and most progressive bowling clubs in South Australia. The redevelopment of the facility has seen the club stage a South Australia vs Victorian series, Bowls Premier League Cup qualifying regional and state finals rounds and has hosted the inaugural Bowls SA Super League series.
Geoff took the initiative to create a plan and a vision for the Salisbury Bowling Club that took leadership and bold decision making, as it became the first club in the state to build an undercover facility of its type. This has led to other clubs looking to implement similar type structures to Salisbury Bowling Club.
He has taken the initiative to work with the State and National Sporting organisation to bring events to the facility and the City of Salisbury, putting Salisbury on the State and National stage hosting these events.
Geoff’s determination and vision has seen the popularity of Bowls soar, bringing people from around South Australia as well as interstate to the club and to the City of Salisbury.
Staff Award

Lee Kightley is a Senior WHS Advisor within the People & Culture Division at the City of Salisbury, having started work as a Turf and Irrigation Worker in 2011 and has completed studies in WHS and was successful earlier this year in obtaining the role as Senior WHS Advisor.
Lee has lived within the City of Salisbury his entire life, and has a strong commitment to the Salisbury community, not just as an employee of the City of Salisbury, but also by his contribution as a member of the Army Reserves since 2011, which involves a commitment of approximately 40 days of service each year. This includes regular Tuesday evening parades and monthly training weekends. Lee was awarded the Australian Defence Medal (ADM) for 4 years of service in 2015 and was awarded a Soldier’s Medallion for Exemplary Service in 2017.Lee regularly attends ANZAC Day Ceremonies, Remembrance Day and The Charge of Beersheba Commemorations as well as Legacy week collections.
Lee is also a keen footballer, having started his career as a junior in the under 8’s at the Brahma Lodge Football Club and has played more than 250 senior games for another community club. Lee is very family orientated with two young daughters aged 6 and 4 years old.
During his eight years at the City of Salisbury, Lee has worked skilfully to support the positive outcomes for our community and staff, and has contributed significantly to the WHS team and the broader organisation in relation to work health and safety initiatives.
Lee is a highly deserved winner of this award.