Proposal to Lease Community Land - Mobara Park
Proposal to lease Community Land - Mobara Park
Showing 1 – 2 of 2 results.
Proposal to lease Community Land - Mobara Park
Proposal to Lease Community Land - The Paddocks Centre
Showing 73 – 84 of 87 results.
The City of Salisbury is seeking feedback on the recreational spaces and the future development site for the amended Salisbury Oval Master Plan and has engaged GHD to conduct this.
Council proposes to revoke the Community Land Classification for a portion of Allotment 102 in Filed Plan 9249 to facilitate a future development of the subject land consistent with the purposes of the Urban Core Zone.
Council is proposing to make amendments to its Community Land Management Plans that were adopted at its meeting on 29 August 2019. The plans form the basis from which Council’s community land is managed.
Council is undertaking a review of its Code of Practice – Access to Meetings and Associated Documents (the Code) and is seeking feedback from the Community.
The City of Salisbury wishes to advise residents that the playspace at Makin Reserve, Makin Road, Ingle Farm has been identified for renewal as part of the playspace renewal program 2019/20.
The City of Salisbury wishes to advise residents that the playspace at Bush Park, Muriel Drive, Pooraka has been identified for renewal as part of the playspace renewal program 2019/20.
The City of Salisbury wishes to advise residents that there will be the installation of a new playspace at Desyllas Drive Reserve, Desyllas Drive, Direk.
The City of Salisbury wishes to advise residents that the playspace at Tregoning Green, Carlingford Drive, Salisbury Park has been identified for renewal as part of the playspace renewal program 2019/20.
As per Council meeting held 25th March 2019, Council Resolved to enter into a 10 year grounds Licence Agreement with St Kilda Tackle and Tucker over a portions of allotment 1002 in deposited plan 80382, adjacent to St Kilda Road, St Kilda.
The City of Salisbury invites the community to nominate their preferred name for the existing Civic Square in Salisbury City Centre.
City of Salisbury is seeking Expressions of Interest from sporting and community groups wishing to lease the Northern Portion of the Underdown Park facility and North Eastern playing field located at Underdown Park, Nangari Road, Salisbury North.
The City of Salisbury is creating a high quality integrated precinct featuring a premier sporting facility, open space, community services and residential areas which are accessible and have strong links to the surrounding areas.