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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Parks George Street Wetland Reserve

Proposed Revocation of Classification as Community Land - George St Wetland Reserve

Submissions closed

Pursuant to Section 194 of the Local Government Act 1999(2) (b), City of Salisbury proposes to revoke the Community Land classification from a portion of Community Land.

The City of Salisbury is the registered owner of the land described as George Street Wetland Reserve, Allotment 1 in Deposited Plan 75831, described in Certificate of Title Volume 6006 Folio 373. A portion measuring approximately 627 square meters is required to be to be revoked of its Community Land Classification for the purpose of constructing a roundabout and declaring as road adjacent George Street, Greenfields and Belfree Drive, Mawson Lakes.

A copy of the plans detailing the proposals and location are available for public inspection at the Salisbury Community Hub at 34 Church Street, Salisbury.

Any objection to the proposal must set out the full name and address of the person making the objection and must be fully supported by reasons.

Any submissions must be made in writing prior to the 30 April 2020 to the Council at PO Box 8 Salisbury SA 5108.

Where submissions are made Council will give notification of a meeting to deal with the matter.

Enquiries to be directed to Ms Liz Lynch on (08) 8406 8216 or by email to