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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Parks Salisbury Oval 2

Salisbury Oval - Community Land Revocation Consultation

Submissions closed

City of Salisbury is breathing new life into the Salisbury Oval Precinct.

We are creating a high quality integrated precinct featuring a premier sporting facility, open space, community services and residential areas which are accessible and have strong links to the surrounding areas.

The Salisbury Oval Precinct Redevelopment is a significant element of the ongoing Salisbury City Centre Revitalisation, which is progressing Salisbury as a sustainable, vibrant city of the future built upon our strong foundations and rich history.

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 194 (2) (b) of the Local Government Act 1999, that the City of Salisbury is considering the revocation of the community land classification of:

  • Allotment 123 in Deposited Plan 6430 known as Neales Green and described in Certificate of Title Volume 6001 Folio 623
  • Portion of Allotment 300 in Deposited Plan 55257 known as Salisbury Oval and described in Certificate of Title Volume 5841 Folio 217
  • Allotment 303 in Deposited Plan 55257 and described in Certificate of Title Volume 5827 Folio 379

The Development of the Salisbury Oval Precinct as an integrated recreation and residential hub has been identified as a key strategic project of the Salisbury City Centre.

The zoning and land use policies that apply to the Salisbury Oval Precinct were reviewed through the Salisbury City Centre Development Plan Amendment (DPA) which was approved by the Minister for Planning in December 2016 following community consultation earlier in 2016.

To achieve the objectives of the Masterplan, Council proposes to revoke the community land classification of Allotment 123 in Deposited Plan 6430, Allotment 303 in Deposited Plan 55257 and portion of Allotment 300 in Deposited Plan 55257.

A Copy of Council’s section 194 report with a plan regarding the proposal is attached for your information. A copy of the full Council report is available for your inspection upon request.

Any person is entitled to make a submission with regard to this proposal which will be presented to Council for consideration.

Any person who makes an objection will be informed of the time and date of a meeting of Council for consideration of their submission should they wish to attend.

Any submissions in reference to the above proposal must be in writing addressed to Chief Executive Officer, City of Salisbury, PO Box 8, Salisbury SA 5108 and received by 15th August 2017.

The Council will consider all submissions relating to the proposal received by the due date.

Further queries relating to the above can be directed to Tim Starr on (08) 8406 8577

Full details of the Salisbury Oval Precinct Redevelopment and the Salisbury City Centre Renewal are available online.

For details of Section 194 of the Local Government Act 1999 - Proposal for Revocation of Classification as Community Land.