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Development Council Major Strategic Property Walkleys Road Corridor

Walkeys Road Corridor

Submissions closed

Council has been investigating areas of Council owned land that is suitable for future development. The site on the other side of Montague Road from the Ingle Farm Shopping Centre between Mozart Avenue and Denning and Grenada Avenues, the Walkleys Road Corridor, (which was reserved for the development of a future road) has been identified as a site for future housing and potentially for other non-residential uses in the area adjacent to Montague Road.

Walkleys road corridor map

We are in the very early stages of investigation and are keen to get community and stakeholder views on what the issues and opportunities are for future development on this site.

Read more about the proposed project.

There are two stages to this engagement for the concept plan that will occur over 2020-early 2021. In this first stage we want to hear from you:

  • What is it that you value about this site? Why?
  • What local issues and impacts do we need to be aware of if the site was to be developed for housing with some community facilities/shops/offices? How could we address these issues?
  • What local opportunities might come about if the site was to be developed for housing with some shops/offices?
  • What are the broader community opportunities that might come about from this development?

The design team will use your feedback to help create a concept plan.

The second stage of engagement will allow you to provide feedback on the concept plan that was created with your feedback considered. In this second stage we want to hear from you:

  • What do you think of the proposed Concept Plan?
  • Has it addressed your concerns, issues or ideas – how could it do this better?
  • What are the benefits of this proposed Concept Plan to you/your community?

We will provide multiple ways for you to provide your feedback in both stages of engagement, including:

Feedback for stage 1 closes 5pm, 23 November 2020.
Feedback for stage 2 is likely to commence in March 2021.

What if I don't agree with the proposal?

If you don’t like what is proposed, you will have this opportunity to let us know. All feedback received will be provided to Council to make a decision at a Council meeting on whether to proceed with the project following the stage two engagement on the concept plan.

What will you do with my feedback?

Your feedback will be reported to Council to let them know all the issues and opportunities raised by the community and other stakeholders. This will help them to make a decision at a Council meeting on whether to proceed with the project or what changes they might make to better meet the needs of the local community and park users.

We will get back to you with a summary of what feedback we received during the consultation and what decision Council made. As part of this we will outline the next steps and how you can participate in any future community engagement. We are committed to keeping you accurately and regularly informed.

Where can I get more information?

All updates will be provided here on Council’s website to access by your smartphone or computer. If you don’t have easy internet access you can request for this information to be posted to you by contacting or 1300 539 552.

I have more questions, who can I contact?

Please contact Council’s dedicated engagement team for this project at or 1300 539 552.

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