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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.



Walkleys Road Corridor - Baloo Reserve Play Space, Ingle Farm

Submissions closed

The City of Salisbury is happy to share the next stage of the Walkleys Road Corridor Project.

In considering the Walkleys Road Corridor concept plan and in direct response to community feedback, Council would like to build a district level play space in Baloo Reserve, at the corner of Baloo Street and Sullivan Road, incorporating inclusive elements, as part of the first stage of the Walkleys Road Corridor residential development.

Play spaces have an important role in our community, providing physical, mental, emotional and social development for our children and young people. They provide a space for residents and families to connect and interact. They also create a sense of community and support the wellbeing of the entire community.

How can you help?

The City of Salisbury is seeking community input to help develop the design of the proposed Baloo Reserve Play Space. We invite our community to Have Your Say.

You can tell us what you think by:

You can also drop into the pop-up events at Nova Church, located on 61 Baloo Street, Ingle Farm to find out more about the development of Walkleys Road Corridor and to have your say about the new Baloo Reserve Play Space from project team members. Remember to bring the kids along to share their ideas. There will be child friendly activities for kids to provide their feedback.

We will be at the pop-up events:

  • Saturday 6 May between 10am to 12noon
  • Wednesday 10 May between 4pm to 6pm

The consultation will close on 12 May at 5pm.

The information gathered will help Council deliver a play space that successfully connects the residential development project with the neighbourhood for community benefit and enjoyment.

A summary of the feedback received will be prepared after the consultation closes and will be available on Council’s website.

Where can I get more information?