Yalumba Drive Reserve, Paralowie - Reserve Upgrade Consultation
- Status
- Closed
- Submissions closed
- 8 April 2022 at 5:00 pm
We are seeking your feedback on the proposed upgrade to Yalumba Drive Reserve, Paralowie.
Council has prepared a concept plan to inform the development of this important community space.
The concept includes a variety of recreational opportunities for the entire community, including:
- Picnic facilities
- Outdoor fitness stations
- Walking trail with distance markers
- Wayfinding signage
- District playspace with the potential for;
- Swings
- Slides
- Climbing
- Balancing
- Rocking/ See-saw
- Carousels
- Loose parts play
- Towers/ Forts
- Flying Fox
- Sand play
- Imaginative play
- Nature play
- Shade
We are seeking feedback from you and your family regarding the reserve upgrade and would like to hear what is important to you in this community space.
Comments can be provided via the online survey.
We will be consulting on the upgrade from Friday 18 March to Friday 8 April 2022.