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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Council Roles Council Meetings

Council Meetings

Meetings open to the public

All members of the public are welcome to attend meetings of Council. This includes Council meetings, Committees, Sub-Committee meetings and CEO Briefing/Workshop Sessions. Information about each of the meetings of Council is included below and more detailed information about Council Committees is available here.

Occasionally, exceptional circumstances make it necessary for the Council or a Committee to discuss a matter in confidence. Matters that may be discussed in confidence are limited to those listed in section 90 (3) of the Local Government Act 1999 and for example include matters that concern personal affairs or legal issues or have commercial implications. The meeting agenda will identify those items where it may be necessary to close the meeting to the public and discuss and consider them in confidence.

All members of the public are required to leave the meeting while a confidential item is discussed. Items that Council has determined are confidential are discussed at the end of each meeting so as to not inconvenience members of the public.

Council meetings

Council meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 6.30pm. All meetings are held at the Salisbury Community Hub, 34 Church Street, Salisbury. If a meeting falls on a public holiday, it will be held on the day after the public holiday. Copies of the meeting agenda and papers are available by searching this site, or at the Council offices.

Meetings will conclude at 11.30pm (if the business on the agenda has not been completed). Remaining matters will be deferred to a reconvened meeting, subject to advice from the Chief Executive Officer, or will be referred to the next Council Meeting, depending on the will of the meeting.


Council has eight Committees, formed under Section 41 of the Local Government Act, that provide advice to Council. See Council Committees for more information. The Policy and Planning, Finance and Corporate Services, Urban Services, Governance and Compliance Committees meet on the third Monday of each month. The Innovation and Business Development and the Community wellbeing and Sport Committees meet on the third Tuesday of the month. The Audit and Risk Committee of Council meets five times a year as required with the CEO Review Committee meeting four times a year as required. Should there be a public holiday on a scheduled meeting day, the meeting will be held on the next day.

There are also a number of Sub Committees that support the work of the Committees. Sub Committees usually meet on the second Monday and Tuesday of the month unless otherwise indicated. Copies of Committee Agendas and Minutes are available by searching this site, or at the Council offices.