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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Development Building Business Outdoor Advertising Mawson Lakes Cafe

Outdoor Advertising

Most advertising signs require Development Approval from Council.

For approval to be obtained - Advertising Signs must:

  • Complement the layout and design of the subject site and its buildings
  • Be of a scale and size that is appropriate to the character of the locality
  • Be located on private land (not public land)
  • Avoid signage clutter (i.e. avoid excess signage)
  • Signage content should be clear and concise, making use of simple language and information that can easily be understood
  • Signage should be safe, and should not create a hazard through illumination, reflectivity or sightline obstruction
  • Contribute to an attractive visual environment

Advertising signage must relate to the lawful use of the land on which the signage is proposed. Third party advertisements will not be supported.

Where there are multiple businesses/activities on one site - a single sign, with coordinated signage panels should be used (i.e. avoid multiple individual signs).

Design Considerations

Some important design considerations include:

  • for freestanding signs - conceal the supporting structure from view wherever possible
  • for signs mounted to the wall of a building – be located below the roof line of the building
  • be unified in colour, style, placement and proportion to present a coordinated theme and design for a site, centre or building
  • be maintained in good repair and condition at all times.

Planning Consent

An application for an Advertisement will be assessed against the relevant policies of the Planning and Design Code.

As part of the planning assessment process, please note:

  • Public Notification may be required in some circumstances.
  • Agency Referral to the Department of Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) may be required, particularly for signs located adjacent arterial roads, or close to signalised intersections.

If notification and/or agency referral is required, this can extend the planning assessment phase by 1-2 months and should be factored into the project delivery timeframe.

Building Consent

The application for building consent must include details of the sign and associated engineering and/or construction details for the footings, connections and structural members will be required to be provided.