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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


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Land Division

The division or amalgamation of land by Land Division or Community Title requires Council approval under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.

Information Videos

Council has produced a series of short videos that answer the common questions relating to land division.

Please watch all of the videos and read the information before contacting Council.

Process Overview

This first video provides:

  • A general overview of the land division process from start to finish
  • Timeframes involved
  • Potential costs to the developer.

Allotment Requirements

This second video explains:

  • minimum allotment size requirements within the General Neighbourhood Zone
  • minimum frontage requirements within the General Neighbourhood Zone

Additional Information Part One

This video provides answers to frequently asked questions relating to:

  • minimum lot size and dwelling setbacks
  • demolition/clearance of the land
  • easements
  • sloping land considerations
  • flood risk consideration
  • retaining walls and fences

Additional Information Part Two

This video provides answers to frequently asked questions relating to:

  • driveways
  • street trees and other infrastructure
  • regulated/significant trees
  • sites on main roads and road widening

How is an Application made?

An application must be submitted to the SA Planning Portal.

It is recommended you speak to a professional licensed surveyor and a conveyancer as all land division applications are lodged electronically and there are specific requirements for the application.

This includes the payment of application fees and submitting supporting information including a copy of the current Certificate(s) of Title and a plan of the division drawn to an appropriate standard.

A licensed surveyor will be required for the drafting of plans and preparation of the application.

Refer to the State Commission Assessment Panel website for more information.

Assessment of the Application

Once the land division is received by the State Commission Assessment Panel, the application will be forwarded for comment to various authorities that provide relevant utilities and services, such as SA Water, Electranet and SA Power Networks. These authorities will usually advise the Commission of their specific requirements and conditions to be met by the applicant.

The application will also be forwarded to the Council, who as the relevant planning authority, is responsible for assessing the application against the Planning and Design Code. The assessment will take into account the suitability of the allotments for their intended purpose, their site area, access arrangements, drainage, gradient, whether any significant or regulated trees are affected, open space requirements, etc.

There are five basic steps involved in the process (refer to the video at the top of the page):

  1. Check that you can meet the minimum requirements for new allotments at the PlanSA Planning and Design Code page.
  2. Engage a qualified land surveyor to prepare the development application.
  3. The land surveyor will lodge the land division application with PlanSA.
  4. Obtain development approval from Council and satisfy any conditions or requirements of the approval.
  5. The land surveyor will complete a certified survey of the site and lodge documents with the land title office to obtain new certificates of title.

Processing Time Required

The process for land division, from the time you commence your initial enquiry through to the time the new titles are created by the Lands Titles Office, from start to finish can take approximately six months. During that period, the time which Council will take to process your application may take around three to four months.

Further Information

Please note the information contained here is of a general nature and is prepared for preliminary guidance only. Further clarification of these matters can be obtained from the Development Services on 8406 8222 or via email. You may also wish to view the State Commission Assessment Panel website for more information.