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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Development Building Housing Home Property Suburb Springbank

Medium Density Development

Medium density housing can take a number of forms including detached houses, semi-detached houses, townhouses, row houses and low to medium rise apartment buildings. Medium density forms of housing are encouraged in areas with good access to services and facilities.

Concentrated nodes of medium density development are anticipated in areas close to centres, public transport and significant public open space and should be developed in a coordinated and orderly manner.

Planning consent

An application for planning consent is assessed against the Planning and Design Code, which is the policy document used to guide the growth of Salisbury. The ode seeks:

  • High-quality building design and positive address to the street;
  • Adequate setbacks from property boundaries to create a sense of openness, to minimise overshadow and allow for positive landscaping;
  • Ensure sufficient area and well designed private open space;
  • Ensure functional and useable dwelling layouts are achieved which maximise access to natural light and achieve good solar orientation;
  • Ensure the privacy of adjacent properties is maintained;
  • Adequate on-site car parking for occupants and visitors;
  • Where internal roadways are proposed, they are designed to provide functional and convenient access;
  • Landscaping is provided to complement the built form;
  • Arrangements for servicing of the dwellings is achieved, including garbage disposal arrangements.

Applicants are encouraged to contact Council’s Planning Department at the preliminary planning stage of the proposal to identify if the site is suitable for development and to identify key design issues.

Council offers a free design service to assist applicants with their proposals, please refer to Designing Your Development.

Building consent

The application for building consent is assessed against the technical requirements of the Building Code of Australia and other relevant standards to ensure compliance with the Building Code of Australia (the structural safety, health and fire protection of the premises). The following information is required as part of the building application:

Builders Indemnity Insurance is required for all work valued $12,000 and above where a Licenced Builder is engaged to carry out the construction work.

Construction Industry Training Board Levy is required for all work valued at more than $100,000.

Further information

Please note that the information above is intended as a guide only. Further clarification of these matters can be obtained from the Development Services on phone: (08) 8406 8222 or email Development Services.

Lodge development application

If you wish to proceed to lodge a development application, please go to SA Planning Portal.