New Dwellings and Additions
Building a new house or dwelling addition/alteration will require Development Approval from Council.
If you have limited design and building construction knowledge, it is advised you use the service of professional consultants to assist in the preparation of the application documents.
Planning Consent
An application for a new house or dwelling addition will be assessed against the Planning and Design Code.
While not exhaustive, key planning assessment items will include:
- Front boundary setbacks to be consistent with neighbouring sites
- High quality dwelling design, minimising the visual impact of garage doors, providing a visible entry door and street facing windows, and minimising visual impacts to neighbours
- Providing a minimum of two (2) onsite car parks, one of which should be covered
- Functional private yard space located to the rear or side of the dwelling
- Providing setbacks to side and rear boundaries, to create space between buildings, allowing access to light and practical and accessible bin storage locations
- Providing generously landscaped front yards, including the planting of trees
- For two-storey development – managing overlooking and overshadowing risks to neighbouring properties
Building Consent
The application for building consent is assessed against the technical requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC) and other relevant standards.
Key assessment matters will include ensuring the proposed building will be structurally sound, meets all damp and weatherproofing requirements and will not adversely affect an occupant’s health and amenity.
The building will also need to meet all fire safety requirements and be designed in accordance with current energy efficiency standards.
Documentation to be provided for Development Approval
- Development Application Form
- Electricity Infrastructure Declaration Form
- Site plan (drawn to scale) and showing the:
- location of all existing and proposed structures and
- distances between structures and to the allotment boundaries and
- method of stormwater disposal
- Floor plan or plan view of the structure(s)
- Elevations of the structure(s), showing the height and proposed cladding materials
- Wet area / waterproofing details
- Structural engineer’s design documentation
- Roof, wall and floor framing details
- Manufacturer’s details
In addition, the following is required to be provided where applicable;
- Building Indemnity Insurance is required for all work valued at $12,000 and above where a Licenced Builder is engaged to carry out the construction work.
- Construction Industry Training Board Levy is required for all work valued at more than $100,000.
Building work is generally not permitted over easements. If you need to construct a building over an easement, approval must be obtained from the authority that has control of the easement. The Certificate of Title will detail which authority has the benefit of the easement.
To obtain a copy of your Certificate of Title, visit Land Services SA - Get a copy of your Title | Land Services SA
In some instances, an encumbrance specifying special building requirements may be registered on the Certificate of Title. These requirements may include the use of certain building materials or fencing designs or setback distances from boundaries.