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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


Council Have Your Say

Proposed Future Development Sites

We have been reviewing areas of land owned by the Council to understand how they are currently used by the community. In doing so, several sites have been identified as potentially surplus to community needs.

Ingle Farm, Para Vista and Para Hills proposed development sites

Stage One Community Engagement Summary

Engagement with the local community took place in October 2021 about the potential future development of eight sites located in Ingle Farm, Para Vista and Para Hills.

These sites included:

  • Finniss Avenue Reserve, Ingle Farm
  • Marriott Avenue Reserve, Para Vista
  • Wright Road Reserve, Ingle Farm
  • Kelvin Road Reserve, Ingle Farm
  • Montague Road Reserves (two land parcels), Ingle Farm
  • Leyton Avenue Reserve, Ingle Farm
  • Sharon Drive Reserve, Para Hills.

This early engagement sought to understand community views about any proposed development at these locations. The engagement was designed to listen and collect information to understand how the local community use and value the sites currently and to understand the level of support for development.

Engagement was undertaken by door-knocking the immediate adjacent residents around each site and through an online survey. How to ‘Have Your Say’ was promoted through calling cards and onsite signage. Feedback was also received through the dedicated email and phone number.

Feedback received

Stage One identified a range of views about development at the eight sites.

Key areas of feedback received across all eight sites related to:

  • traffic and car parking, with many of the view that any new development would increase existing issues
  • wanting to understand the type of density of housing proposed, with a preference for single storey dwellings
  • that the existing trees and habitat are valued
  • a desire for the existing open space to be improved.

A copy of the full report can be downloaded here.


After hearing this feedback at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 20 December 2021, Council requested that further investigations into the matters raised by the community be undertaken. This includes:

  • Implications to traffic and parking
  • Intensity of development
  • Retention of trees and habitat
  • Identification of opportunities to improve existing open space.

The outcomes of these investigations will be reported back to Council and will help Council decide whether or not to progress the proposal to the next stage. It is expected that these investigations will take some time to complete, with the outcomes likely to be reported back to Council at a later stage.

Keep informed

The City of Salisbury Strategic Property Development Program webpage will be kept updated. You can also join our email list using the contact details below:

City of Salisbury Strategic Property Development Program

Email us at:

Call us on: 08 8406 8222