Strategic Property Development Program
Council has undertaken a comprehensive review of open space to identify areas that are not well-used, not of good quality, have had little or no improvements, or where there is a surplus of open space when measured against accepted standards.
The City of Salisbury is fortunate to enjoy large areas and amounts of public open space in many locations, compared to many other metropolitan councils. We want to ensure our open space is attractive, high quality and meets the needs of our community, including a range of objectives such as the facilities and amenity provided for our community, supporting biodiversity, and ensuring our open space assets are used efficiently.
Council is now going through a process of more detailed site-by site investigations to determine whether these are able to be developed for future housing and how future development may assist in improving the site. Engaging with local residents and users of these areas of open space will form a key part of these investigations.
If the projects go ahead Council will deliver a range of benefits, including more housing choices and better connection to local services for those who need it. Best practice design with high attention to detail in the new homes and public spaces will also be a focus of the development, as well as improved open spaces and parks and public safety through increased passive surveillance etc. It will also create jobs for local people during construction.
If developed for housing the financial return will be retained by Council and used to invest in more community services and facilities. This builds on Council’s capacity to provide what our community needs whilst also limiting rate increases.
If these sites are developed, Council will be the developer. In contrast to private developers with a primary focus on commercial outcomes, by Council developing the sites and/or selling them and placing conditions on the type of development, we can ensure that they have improved social, environmental and economic outcomes, not just a commercial outcome.
Developing these identified sites is not a foregone conclusion – we haven’t made the final decision whether to do so or not. More detailed investigations and engaging with the community will help Council to decide whether or not to develop these sites.
Council has experience in projects like this – where we develop underutilised reserve space – you may have seen our developments at Greentree Walk, Boardwalk at Greentree in Paralowie, Riverwalk, Emerald Green in Parafield Gardens, The Reserve in Salisbury North, or Irving Place in Para Hills. These are now attractive, thriving communities that have given new residents and existing local residents looking for a change in their lifestyle the opportunity to explore what the City of Salisbury has to offer.
We are committed to keeping you accurately and regularly informed and providing you with an opportunity to have your say.
We will provide you with information on any projects we are currently engaging on as part of this program here. We will also communicate directly (eg letters, signage) with residents/landowners in the immediate area. Check back here regularly for updates or email us or phone 1300 539 552.
What projects are you currently planning / consulting on?
Walkleys Road Corridor
This project is currently in the detailed design stage, more details will be available soon.

Lake Windemere Revitalisation Project
Stage three, construction of a residential project overlooking the park and lake, located on the former Community Centre and carpark site (off Hissar Avenue), and a portion of the adjacent reserve area of the revitalisation project has now commenced.