Strategic Property Development Program FAQ
What is this program?
The City of Salisbury Strategic Property Development Program is seeking to develop portions of Council-owned land – including parks and reserves – for housing to create inclusive and thriving new communities.
These projects will see new and upgraded open spaces and parks, good design and housing choices created for our community. This project will allow us to reinvest into upgrading existing reserves and other Council run services and facilities – to meet the needs of the community.
Why is Council considering it?
By developing portions of reserves Council can create income that can be used to provide improved community services and facilities and limit the extent of rate increases that would otherwise be required.
By Council being the developer on these sites we can make sure there are a range of benefits to the community, including:
- To provide positive social outcomes as a direct result of the development eg partnering with agencies to deliver access to services and affordable housing
- To provide diverse housing choices for new and existing City of Salisbury residents, including affordable housing
- That the development draws upon best practice design principles for the houses, streets and public areas
- That these developments are coordinated with other community benefits for example park upgrades or local traffic improvements
- That construction of these projects creates jobs for our local community
Council can only create income through a few sources – the rates you pay is the main way we do this – but we want to be able to provide you with improved services without having to rely solely on rates, so finding alternative income such as developing some under-utilised land that Council owns is a way that we are looking to do this.
Unlike many Council areas, the City of Salisbury has a lot of public open space. We want to continue to have a high level of public open space – as a place to play, exercise and socialise. We also recognise that open space makes neighbourhoods attractive for those who live there, as well as being a home to local flora and fauna.
How will it impact me?
There may be future changes to parks and open space near you. You will have the opportunity to have your say on how you think this should occur. If this is planned for your local park, you will find out through information in your letterbox, and signs at the park. You can also contact us if you have any questions at email us or 1300 539 552.
When will development happen?
These projects take several years to go through the planning and consultation processes, and there are several points along the way that Council will make a decision whether to keep going or to not proceed with developing. At each phase of the project Council need to consider:
- Finding out about all the local issues – whether this is safety and lighting, traffic and access, how people walk to and from a site, etc – so that we can create the best design not only for new residents, but the existing residents around the proposed development area.
- Community views and values on the project sites and how any future development can best accommodate these.
- Do projects financially stack up – are the returns from a project meeting commercial benchmarks to make it worthwhile so that we can provide better services for the community in return.
What are the key phases of the projects?
The key phases of how a typical project will progress is shown in the picture below. Most projects will follow this pattern, although there may be slight changes to suit the individual site. What is involved in each phase is described below.
- Project acquisition planning – during this phase we work on fully understanding the site and its features and constraints – this includes infrastructure on the site, roads and how land is owned and laid out.
- Concept feasibility including community engagement – during this phase we map the features and constraints of the site, which the community help us to understand through consulting with them to create a ‘concept plan’ which roughly maps out what a development might look like on the site. This is an important time for the community to help us understand their issues and ideas for developing the site, and how we might best be able to accommodate these through the design.
- Following this phase, the concept plan along with the outcomes of the community engagement will be taken to a Council meeting for a decision on whether or not to continue to investigate this site for potential future development. If Council decides to proceed, the project will go to the next phase explained below. If Council decide not to proceed, no further investigations or community engagement will occur. The community will be informed as to Council’s decision.
- Community land revocation including community engagement – this is a statutory process where the classification of the land owned by the Council (which if it is a park or reserve may be classified as ‘Community Land’) is revoked through a process that is outlined in legislation (the Local Government Act). Council is required to undertake particular consultation for this process, and the community can put in formal submissions. We will ensure the community are made aware of this process and what it means in order to have their say.
- Following this phase there is another point where Council can (based on the outcomes of the consultation) proceed with the community land revocation (meaning they intend on going ahead with the development of the site), or not proceed. If it decided not to proceed, no further investigations or community engagement will occur. The community will be informed as to Council’s decision. If Council decide to proceed with community land revocation process, this proposal is referred to the State Minister for Local Government for formal consideration and approval, and the community will be informed of the outcome.
- Business case – should the Minister approve the revocation, during this phase a detailed business case will be prepared based on the concept plan prepared previously, to help Council make a final decision. Council will wish to ensure that the commercial return is appropriate, in recognition that the proceeds will be used to support the community through other facilities and services. Council will also be making sure it can deliver its other objectives for the development such as diverse housing choices, improved social and environmental outcomes, best practice design and local park / open space upgrades.
- This is the final decision point for Council to decide whether to proceed with the development or not. If Council decides to proceed based on the business plan phase, the following phases below will be followed. The community will be informed of this final decision and what to expect in the next phases in terms of timing and activity on site. If Council decide not to proceed, the following phases will not occur and the community will be informed.
- Planning / land division statutory approvals – once Council has made the final decision to proceed with development of the site, the land will be formally subdivided and necessary approvals sought.
- Detailed design – detailed design of the site, including the infrastructure (power, water etc), roads and community facilities (eg parks, footpaths) are designed in detail ready for construction, based upon the previously approved concept plan.
- Tender – tendering is the process where Council puts its requirements out for construction companies to bid to do the work. This process is governed by Council’s procurement policies to ensure that Council and the community get good value for money.
- Civil construction including community engagement – when construction is taking place Council’s project engagement team will be back in regular contact with surrounding residents and park/reserve users to manage impacts during construction. Our aims will be to manage disruption wherever possible and to keep people regularly informed about what to expect.
- Sales – once construction has commenced, we can start welcoming future residents to become part of this new community. Information will be available here.
- Monitor building activity – the building and construction activities will be monitored to ensure it happens in line with what was planned and that it is to the standard required.
- Project close out – the final phase of the project closes out the work being done by the builders and construction companies, sees home sales finalised, and any new community assets handed over to Council to continue to manage and maintain.

How can I have my say?
Each reserve or project site is different and so is its local community, so we will tailor our communications and engagement approach for each site. As outlined in the project phases above, there will often be more than one consultation process for each site if a project progresses to further phases, so there will be multiple opportunities for you to provide feedback and contribute to the project as it progresses.
We commit to consulting with you in the following ways:
- Ensure there are multiple ways for you to get information on the project and provide your feedback (for example, these might include an online survey, an event at the park where you can speak to members of the project team, and information in your letterbox)
- We will consistently and regularly communicate with you – even if there is no progress, we will let you know this, so you aren’t left guessing about what is happening
- We will let you know the results of the consultation – letting you know what you and other people said in their feedback, as well as what Council decided as a result of the consultation
What if I don’t agree with the proposal?
If you don’t like what is proposed, you will have the opportunity to let us know this. All feedback received will be provided to Council to make a decision at a Council meeting on whether to proceed with the project. No project is confirmed to go ahead automatically – this will only happen following community engagement and other planning processes.
What will you do with my feedback?
Your feedback will be reported to Council to let them know all the issues and opportunities raised by the community and other stakeholders. This will help it to make a decision on whether to proceed with the project or what changes they might make to better respond to the views and values of the local community and park users.
Where can I get more information?
All program updates, including on specific projects will be provided here on Council’s website to access by your smart phone or computer. If you don’t have easy internet access you can request for this information to be posted to you by contacting us via email or call 1300 539 552.
I have more questions, who can I contact?
Please contact Council’s dedicated engagement team for this program via email or call 1300 539 552.