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Development Council Major Strategic Property Walkleys Road Corridor

Walkleys Road Corridor

The City of Salisbury has been investigating areas of Council owned land that is suitable for future development.

The site on the other side of Montague Road from the Ingle Farm Shopping Centre between Mozart Avenue and Denning and Grenada Avenues (which was reserved for the development of a future road, and includes some areas of existing open space) has been identified as a site for future housing and upgraded open space, and potentially for other non-residential uses in the area adjacent to Montague Road.

Two stages of engagement have been held, with the second stage ending in May 2021, which provided the opportunity to voice your ideas and concerns about the potential future development of this site.

Many local residents and stakeholders shared their views by attending our pop-up event, filling out our feedback forms, sending us emails, giving us a call or joining our listening post.

View a summary of feedback received through Stage 1 and Stage 2.

Development Council Major Strategic Property Walkleys Road Corridor Map

The feedback received through Stage 1 and 2 community engagement helped to shape the final concept plan. This plan will deliver a range of benefits, including more housing choices and better connections to local services for those who need it. High design standards, with design complementing the existing character of the locality and quality public spaces, is a focus, as well as improved public safety from increased passive surveillance.

Several refinements were made to the draft concept plan in response to community and stakeholder feedback. You can view the final concept plan here.

While all feedback was considered by Council, not every suggestion resulted in changes to the final concept plan. This may have been because they were not technically feasible, or they need more investigation.

Council considered the feedback received, along with the final concept plan at its 26 July 2021 meeting. In doing so, Council decided to continue progressing investigations on the site.

As part of this decision, Council requested that further traffic investigations be undertaken to identify priority actions to improve traffic, local area traffic management and road safety along local roads in the vicinity of the Walkleys Road Corridor.

Council also requested that further community engagement be undertaken to develop a new playground at the corner of Baloo Street and Sullivan Road, Ingle Farm.

As further investigations and detailed design is progressed, further changes to the final concept plan may occur.

Council has experience in projects like this – where we develop underutilised reserve space – you may have seen our developments at Greentree Walk and Boardwalk at Greentree in Paralowie, Riverwalk and Emerald Green in Parafield Gardens, The Reserve in Salisbury North, or Irving Place in Para Hills. These are now attractive, thriving communities that have given new residents and existing local residents looking for a change in their lifestyle, the opportunity to experience what the City of Salisbury has to offer.

This project is part of the City of Salisbury Strategic Property Development Program. To learn more about this, including FAQs (frequently asked questions), please visit the program page here.

View the Concept Plans

FINAL Walkleys Road Corridor Concept Plan

Draft Final Concept Plan - August 2021

Draft Concept Plan - March 2021

View the Community Engagement Reports

Stage 3 - May 2023

Stage 2 - May 2021

Stage 1 - January 2021

Community Engagement

The third stage of Community Engagement conducted in May 2023 was to provide the community with the Final Concept Plan that was informed from feedback as well as seek input on the new district level play space has now concluded. The summary report is available via the following link.

View the Traffic and Parking Issues Fact Sheet

This fact sheet has been prepared to provide some further details on traffic and parking issues raised from the first round of community engagement, with responses as to how we've considered them.

Walkleys Rd Traffic and Parking Issues Fact Sheet

Traffic Investigation Suggested Outcomes

Frequently Asked Questions

View the Frequently Asked Questions.

Where can I get more information?

All updates will be provided here on Council’s website to access by your smartphone or computer. If you don’t have easy internet access you can request for this information to be posted to you by sending us an email or calling us.

I have more questions, who can I contact?

Please contact the City of Salisbury's dedicated engagement team for this project via email or call us.