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Change to Salisbury Fringe Carnival times
Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


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Useful Online Resources

You may find the following online resources and websites useful in researching and planning a development project. Please report any broken links or new suggestions for useful resources by using the email contact form at the bottom of this page.

SA Planning Portal

The legislative framework establishing the planning and development system in South Australia and informing its detailed operation is the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016. For further information please refer to the SA Planning Portal.

Building Safely Near Powerlines

Electricity can be extremely dangerous. To protect people and property, safe clearance distances between buildings and powerlines have been established in the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012.

EPA (Environment Protection Authority)

The EPA is an independent statutory authority within the Environment and Conservation Portfolio. The Chief Executive is responsible for giving effect to the policies and decisions of the EPA Board in relation to the Environment Protection Act 1993, and for the management of the administrative unit which also performs functions under the Radiation Protection and Control Act 1982. Visit the EPA website for information on a wide range of topics relating to EPA authorisations, pollution control and more - click here.

State Transportation

The website of the South Australian Government offers a range of information and services relating to vehicle registration, logistics, biodiversity and land management during construction and more - click here.

State Heritage and Environment

The website of the South Australian Government provides information on a range of legislation that can affect development planning such as heritage listed places and buildings, Crown Land management, plant permits and ecosystem conservation - click here.

Legal Services Commission

The Legal Services Commission is responsible for helping people access justice by providing legal advice, legal representation and community legal education and information. It can help in areas of criminal law, family law and some civil law matters - click here.

The website includes the Law Handbook Online, an overview of the law in South Australia presented in everyday language - click here.

Building Codes Board of Australia

The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) was established to address issues relating to safety, health, amenity and sustainability by providing for efficiency in the design, construction and performance of buildings through the National Construction Code (NCC), the development of effective regulatory systems. Amongst other roles, it maintains the Building Code of Australia. The website offers a range of information, newsletters and links to training opportunities and other resources - click here.

Masters Builders Association of South Australia

The Master Builders Association of South Australia is the peak employer body representing the South Australian building and construction industry. Master Builders represents all sectors of this industry including Commercial Builders, Civil Contractors, Residential Builders and Specialist Contractors as well as Industry Suppliers and Manufacturers - click here.

Housing Industry Association

The Housing Industry Association is Australia’s largest residential building organisation. Members include builders, trade contractors, design professionals, kitchen and bathroom specialists, manufacturers and suppliers - click here.

Standards Australia

Standards Australia is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, recognised by the Australian Government as the peak non-government Standards body in Australia. Standards Australia develops internationally aligned Australian Standards 0 that deliver Net Benefit to Australia and is the Australian member of ISO and IEC - click here.

RAAF Base Edinburgh Defence Aviation Area

The Commonwealth Government has a legal framework for controlling activities that may be dangerous to aviation around twelve declared Defence Aviation Areas (DAA). The RAAF Base Edinburgh is a declared DAA. Developers should review the relevant DAA map to determine whether a property is affected by DAA regulations and the heights at which proposed structures need to be referred to Defence for approval. The regulations apply as far as 15 kilometres from the RAAF Base Edinburgh and apply to structures, vegetation including trees and plants used for landscaping and gas plumes emanating from an exhaust stack. The regulations also apply to any object hazardous to aircraft or aviation-related communications, navigation or surveillance regardless of whether the height controls are triggered.

Federal Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities

The Federal Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities is responsible for Aviation. The following link has information on safeguarding airports and the communities around them and has a number of guidelines and information that may impact development and development proposals around airports - click here.

NBN in New Developments

Developers are responsible for providing telecommunications infrastructure in their developments. To provide this infrastructure, you need to contract a carrier to install telecommunications infrastructure in your new development.

Developers can choose any carrier to service their development. If they don’t choose another carrier:

  • NBN is the Infrastructure Provider of Last Resort for larger developments (100 lots or more) and for all developments in areas where nbn is rolling out.
  • Telstra is the Infrastructure Provider of Last Resort for smaller developments (less than 100 lots), until the NBN rolls out in the area

View the nbn™ rollout map

Developers are asked to apply at least 6 months before the required date of service, to ensure a connection is ready when residents move in.

If you have a new or recently approved development application lodged with the City of Salisbury please visit NBN’s website to register your development and ensure it is NBN ready.

Website links