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Salisbury Fringe Carnival is this weekend! Join us Friday 21 February from 6pm to 9.30pm and Saturday 22 February from 3pm to 10pm.


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Salisbury City Centre Redevelopment

The City of Salisbury are partnering with a Buildtec and Catcorp consortium to revitalise the Salisbury City Centre into one of South Australia’s most vibrant Centres.

The redevelopment of the City Centre will bring large scale activation and economic growth to the heart of Salisbury.

A concept plan outlines the $200 million redevelopment of four sites across the City Centre that will bring six new developments to the heart of Salisbury, including a variety of residential housing options, car parking, retirement living, hotel accommodation and mixed-use retail and commercial spaces.

The future Salisbury City Centre will have a range of new uses, giving local community and visitors the opportunity to live, work and be entertained in the heart of the City, surrounded by some of the best amenities in the northern region.

The redevelopment is the next significant stage of Council’s renewal strategy, following the $10 million redevelopment of Church and John Streets in 2023 and the $43 million Salisbury Community Hub, built in 2019.

Concept Plan

Site 1

• Residential housing

• Retail and office /commercial spaces

Site 2

• Multi-deck carpark

• Premium supermarket

• Retail and office / commercial spaces

Site 3, 4, 5 and 6

• Build to rent accommodation

• Short term hotel accommodation

• Retirement living

• Retail and office / commercial spaces

View the full Concept Plan.


2024 - Development approval lodged with the State Commission Assessment Panel

2025 - Stage 1 commences (Sites 1 and 2 - Former Len Beadell and Wiltshire Street car park sites)

2026 - Stage 1 delivered and stage 2 preliminary works commence

2027 – Stage 2 commences (Sites 3, 4, 5 and 6 – Former Civic Centre and Sexton car park sites)

Frequently Asked Questions

The $200 million redevelopment of four sites across the City Centre (Len Beadell site, Wiltshire Street carpark, former Civic Centre site and Sexton car park) will bring six new developments to the heart of Salisbury.

Site 1 - Residential housing, retail and office/ commercial spaces

Site 2 - Multi-deck carpark, premium supermarket, retail and office / commercial spaces

Site 3, 4, 5 and 6 - Build to rent accommodation, short term hotel accommodation, retirement living, retail and office / commercial spaces

The project is currently within its planning phase.

Stage 1 will commence in 2025 and includes the former Len Beadell and Wiltshire carpark sites - delivering the multi-deck car park, supermarket, residential apartments, food and beverage and commercial office accommodation.

Stage 2 is planned to commence in 2027 and includes the former Civic Centre site and Sexton car park site - delivering sites 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Council will be investing $25 million in the project, specifically for the new multideck carpark and the Church Street Extension.

$200 million is the total value of the redevelopment, the majority of which is commercially funded.

There will be no increase in rates as a result of this redevelopment.

Council’s long-term financial plan ensures we have the financial stability to fund capital projects and keep rates at a reasonable level that the community can afford.

The majority of this project is commercially funded.

Council is proud to be partnering with well-established South Australian companies Buildtec and Catcorp to deliver on this vision.

Council has signed a Land Facilitation Agreement with Buildtec and Catcorp. This agreement enables Council to remain involved in the development until all agreed outcomes are delivered. Once each site is delivered, ownership of the land will be transferred.

Buildtec and Catcorp have been formally selected as the development team to bring Council’s renewal vision to life, following a hotly contested national expression of interest campaign led by Alinea Group and Leedwell Property on behalf of the City of Salisbury.

Council released an Expression of interest in December 2022 seeking proposals from developers for four strategic sites in the City Centre:

  • Len Beadell
  • Wiltshire carpark
  • Sexton carpark
  • Former Council Civic Centre site on James Street

Following the EOI a shortlist was developed, asking proponents to submit a more detailed proposal via a ‘Request for Detailed Proposal’ process.

The purpose of the ‘Request for Detailed Proposal’ process was to select a preferred proponent as Council’s development partner for the project.

In October 2023, Council approved negotiations to commence with Buildtec and Catcorp.

Since that time, work has been undertaken to further develop the concept plan and to finalise contractual arrangements.

Buildtec and Catcorp both have extensive experience delivering large scale, urban developments together, including the award-winning master planned community Norwood Green.

They submitted a thorough proposal and have since developed a detailed concept plan. They have already been in discussion with operators about being a part of the development.

Council has long held a renewal vision for the City Centre and aims to deliver:

  • A thriving and walkable City Centre that celebrates its multicultural community.
  • A well designed, vibrant and mixed-use City Centre with integrated public transport and active streets where people can meet, linger and feel safe.
  • A City Centre attracting investment with a mix of successful businesses.

Council has signed a Land Facilitation Agreement with Buildtec and Catcorp. This agreement enables Council to remain involved in the development until all agreed outcomes are delivered.

Once each site is constructed, ownership of the land will be transferred.

There will be over 200 residential dwellings constructed as part of this redevelopment, offering a diverse range of housing opportunities in the heart of the City Centre.

This includes private ownership and rental, and different housing types, from 1-3-bedroom apartments, to retirement living and short-term accommodation.

Council will work with Buildtec, Catcorp and the State Government to maximise the affordable housing outcomes above the 15% requirement to align with Council’s desired outcome of 20%.

The new multi-deck car park will replace the current Wiltshire Street car park, Sexton car park and the staff car park for City of Salisbury staff.

It will provide 535 spaces, which is more than the current 480 spaces, and will be undercover and secure.

As well as the multi-deck carpark, all sites will have their own car parking suitable for each particular use, providing approximately 273 additional car parking spaces across the City Centre.

The multi-deck car park will be free of charge and owned by the City of Salisbury.

Building the multi-deck first ensures there is minimal disruption and loss of parking during construction.

There will be a new premium supermarket built on the ground floor of Site 1 as part of stage One, with works to commence in 2025.

It will be different to other supermarket offerings in the City Centre, providing further variety to community, visitors and workers.

Church Street will be upgraded and extended, enabling improved access through the City Centre.

The extension will run to the northern boundary of Sites 5 and 6 and will improve traffic flow throughout the City Centre.

This first stage of the extension will occur in Stage 2, with the redevelopment of Sites 5 and 6, which is due to commence in 2027.

A further extension through Parabanks car park to Gawler Street is being discussed with land owners, and if successful, will occur post Stage 2 and will improve the link with Salisbury Highway.

It is envisioned that Church Street will be a two-way tree-lined boulevard with wide footpaths, quality landscaping and activated by retail offerings facing the street.

The future Salisbury City Centre will have a range of new uses, giving the local community and visitors the opportunity to live, work, shop and be entertained in the heart of the City, surrounded by some of the best amenities in the northern region.

The redevelopment will further deliver on Council’s vision for a walkable city, with the City Centre being located on the Little Para Linear Park and within walking distance to public transport options and some of the northern region’s best recreational and sporting facilities.

The City Centre redevelopment is a short walk from the Salisbury Bus and Train interchange, making it very accessible for people who want to live and work in the City.

Given the importance and significance of the redevelopment, the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP) will be the authority to assess the development application and ensure the development is well designed and thought through.

Council will not be assessing the development application.

The redevelopment of the City Centre will bring large scale activation and economic growth to the heart of Salisbury.

The $200 million redevelopment of four sites across the City Centre will bring six new developments to the heart of Salisbury, including residential housing, car parking, retirement living, hotel accommodation and mixed-use retail, food and beverage as well as commercial spaces.

A catalyst for new commercial investment in the northern region, the redevelopment is projected to significantly boost the local economy. It will generate new jobs and attract new businesses to Salisbury.

It is anticipated the project will create around 168 local jobs per year, over an anticipated five-year construction period.

Once complete is it expected there will be additional ongoing jobs created as part of the new commercial offerings.

Community members will benefit from a revitalised City Centre, offering new and varied retail and food and beverage offerings, adding to the wide range of restaurants and entertainment options.

Car parking will be improved, with a secure, undercover multi-deck car park with additional car parking spaces, free of charge for the community.

For the first time, the City Centre will offer a variety of housing options, including residential apartments, retirement living and short term accommodation.

More people living, working and visiting the City Centre will increase vibrancy and ensure the city is a welcoming place to be during the day and night.

The redevelopment has been strategically designed to integrate with existing streets and businesses, and further support renewal within the City Centre.

Additional businesses being located in the City will boost trade for existing operators, as well as bring variety to community and visitors.

The City of Salisbury and the Salisbury Business Association will work closely with Buildtec and Catcorp on engaging with local traders as well as interested operators that would like to be part of the revitalised City Centre.

Council has already invested $100 million in renewal projects, including:

  • the new Salisbury Community Hub ($43 million, completed in 2019)
  • the new Salisbury Aquatic Centre ($30 million, completed in 2024
  • high quality streetscaping upgrades to Church and John Streets ($10 million, completed in 2023)
  • the Salisbury Oval Precinct Masterplan ($6 million, underway)

The development application will be submitted to the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP).

Once the application is approved works can commence on Stage 1, which is the new Sites 1 and 2.

This includes the demolition of the Len Beadell site.

Buildtec/Catcorp will be managing residential development.


Commercial opportunities in the Salisbury City Centre are being managed by Buildtec/Catcorp and their leasing agent Leedwell Property.


For more information or to register to receive project updates contact:

E: P: (08) 8406 8222