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Council City of Salisbury Logo Placeholder
Showing 421 – 440 of 1662 results

Edition 39 Salisbury Aware Summer 2012

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of the Peace Service • Supported the youth and community centre programs, services and events which had a total in excess of 200,000 attendances • Guided 453 people through the wetland trails • Spent 463 hours

28022023 Minutes Council Assessment Panel

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% AEP major storm events. (a) Stormwater discharge to the downstream system is not to exceed the pre-development discharge rate for the equivalent minor and major storm events; and (b) Stormwater

Plaques and Memorials Policy

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, and plaques that honour an individual, organization or event that is considered to be of benefit to the broader community. Page 1 of 13 Record Number: Doc Set ID - 5829045 The Electronic Version

13022023 Agenda and Reports Intercultural Strategy and Partnerships Sub Committee

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an important connections and trust with First Nation Australians. The Aboriginal Social Group has met and shared events with the Pine Lakes Intercultural Social Group and has embraced the opportunity

Footpath trading permit application form

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. Footpath Trading Permit Fee The Footpath Trading Permit Fee is applicable to all applications and is an annual fee based on the space occupied by the event / activity. A reduced fee is available

15072024 Minutes Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee

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and Sport Committee For Decision Moved Cr P Jensen Seconded Mayor G Aldridge That Council: 1. Notes the report. 5.1.1 Salisbury Bowling Club: Prestige Pairs Event Sponsorship Moved Mayor G Aldridge

20 07 2021 minutes community wellbeing and sport committee

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on the 15 October 2021, showcasing the Salisbury Community Hub as their Friday night opening event for approximately 100 members from all over South Australia. 3. That a non-discretionary 1 st Quarter
Harmony Week Invitation

Harmony Week Performer Expression of Interest

City in South Australia. The City of Salisbury Harmony Week celebration has quickly become a popular event to bring the community together. The annual celebration invites different groups to celebrate
Giggle Time Event

Giggle Time - Para Hills Community Hub

Activities Giggle Time - Para Hills Community Hub Add to calendar iCal Google Share event Where Para Hills Community Hub, 22 Wilkinson Road, Para Hills SA 5096 Tags Library, Children, Family-friendly

16 03 2020 agenda and reports resources and governance committee

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to participate in future events. RECOMMENDATION 1. That this report be received and noted. ATTACHMENTS This document should be read in conjunction with the following attachments: 1. Northern Regional Forum

28 10 2019 agenda and reports council meeting

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Programs and Events Update October 2019 1.1.2 Salisbury Secret Garden 2020 1.1.3 Collaboration Agreement between Council and Community Centres 1.1.4 Reconciliation Action Plan 2019 – 2021 1.1.5 Australia

07122021 Agenda and Reports Youth Council

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........................................... 7 YC2 Recycle Bin - Salisbury Community Hub and Twelve25 Youth Centre ................ 9 YC3 Youth Programs and Events Update November 2021 ........................................... 15 YC4

2018 agenda and reports youth council 4021574

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Updates ..................................................................... 9 YC3 Youth Programs and Events Update - August/September 2018 ........................... 15 YC4 Judd Street Lane

15 02 2021 minutes policy and planning committee

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, LGBTIQ+. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update January 2021 Moved Cr M Blackmore Seconded Cr P Jensen 1. That the information is received and noted. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC5 Youth Council Reports

11 01 2016 minutes sport recreation and grants committee

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Day Sport and Event Celebrations as outlined in the Community Grant Application and additional information. With leave of the meeting and consent of the seconder Cr B Vermeer VARIED the MOTION
Community Healthy Health Services Environmental 1


: (a) construction or demolition works (b) concerts or events (c) activities using amplified sound. If you wish to seek and exemption please complete and submit the application for declaration under

Current strategic property development sub committee terms of reference

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on the second Monday of the month. 3.2 In the event that Monday is a public holiday, the meeting will convene on the Tuesday of the same week. 3.3 Meetings of the Sub-Committee will be held
Community Youth Twelve25 Crash Course in Film Making

Youth Digital Literacy and Technology Programs

Adelaide eSports League (NOADE) Get involved with the Northern Adelaide eSports League (NOADE) and a range of eSports events and tournaments. The focus of NOADE events is to help participants develop

Policy and Planning Committee Terms of Reference

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monthly or as required. 5.2 In the event that a meeting falls on a public holiday, the meeting will convene on the next business day in that same week. 5.3 In accordance with section 87 of the Local
News Events Australia Day Breakfast

Australia Day Breakfast

Events |
Council Australia Day Breakfast Events 15 Jan 2021 Celebrate what makes us great with the 2021 City of Salisbury Australia Day Breakfast The public is invited to throw on its thongs and head on down