Showing 481 – 500 of 1662 results
14122021 Minutes Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee
recommendations to Council for the appointment of external Sub Committee Members of the Burton and Para Hills Community Hub Precincts. CARRIED 5.1.2 Community Event Sponsorship Grant Applications - Round 8
Volunteer Management Policy
and events. 1.1.2 The importance of volunteers to the work of the City is recognised in the City’s vision Salisbury – a flourishing City with opportunity for all, where people have the opportunity

The Australia Day Citizen of the Year Awards Winners 2021
it is preserved for generations to come. He is always happy to perform the important Welcome to Country at community events, and has shared his knowledge within recent events including heading guided
19 10 2020 minutes budget and finance committee
Fringe - Change to Friday Night Event Moved Cr L Braun Seconded Cr C Buchanan 1. The information contained within this report be received and noted and that: a. Ward Councillors will invite up to 10
CEO Review Committee Terms of Reference
of the Committee will be held in the Council Offices at 34 Church Street, Salisbury, in the Council/ Committee Rooms. Meetings will occur quarterly or as required. 5.2 In the event that a meeting falls on a public
Current asset management sub committee terms of reference
, for an initial period to consider the topics mentioned in 1.1 above, and then meet quarterly, or as required, to focus on the priority of future works programs and any requests received. 3.2 In the event
18102021 Minutes Policy and Planning Committee
CARRIED Page 2 Policy and Planning Committee Minutes 18 October 2021 City of Salisbury Minutes - Policy and Planning Committee Meeting - 18 October 2021 1.0.2-YC2 Youth Programs and Events Update

Salisbury Legends Awards Winners 2018
excellence, or an individual or group improving the City of Salisbury through their business collaborations, events or innovation. Our deserving recipient for 2018 is Robert Mattiske. Robert has been
02 12 2019 minutes sport recreation and grants committee
, Stage and Marquee hire, Fence Banners and Flyers and Entertainment for the 2020 Salisbury Parish Multicultural Carnival event as outlined in the Community Grant Application and additional information

Morella Community Centre
is a vibrant place to be. Programs and Events Find out the latest programs and events at our centre by visiting the What’s On Guide page. Location 1 Morella Community Centre Nearby Locations Parafield

Pilgrim: A Japanese – Australian Art Journey
. This festival featured a series of Japanese-themed events and programs, including a special visit from delegates of our sister city, Mobara City, Japan. During the visit, City of Salisbury Mayor Gillian

Ingle Farm Recreation Centre
and racquetball, through to school holiday programs, model plane sessions, birthday parties, special events and much more. The centre's squash courts have undergone a major refurbishment with new

Hop into Easter at the Burton Community Markets weekend
Council Hop into Easter at the Burton Community Markets weekend Events 22 Mar 2023 Seeking out hidden local Easter treats? Look no further than the Burton Easter Markets, to be held at the Burton
23052022 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting
3.1.2 Pilot Off Leash Greyhound Event Review p16 Urban Services Committee: 16 May 2022 Chair: Cr L Braun US - MWON1 State Government commitment to fund Bridge at Mawson Lakes School 4.0.1
Edition 63 Salisbury Aware Summer 2020
measures aimed at doing just that, such as our Reconciliation Action Plan and new strategies to take care of the senior members of our community. We also flag some of our upcoming events for 2021
and 1% AEP major storm events. (a) Stormwater discharge to the downstream system is not to exceed the pre-development (b) discharge rate for the equivalent minor and major storm events; and (c
250010 RP1 Youth Action Plan V6 for issue
Centre, Bridgestone and TreeClimb Salisbury. • Funding, including youth sponsorship. • School holiday programs and youth-specific events. • Creative arts programs, such as the Salisbury Youth Performing
250010 RP1 Youth Action Plan V6 Online version
holiday programs and youth-specific events. • Creative arts programs, such as the Salisbury Youth Performing Arts Group and Resonate music program. 20 City of Salisbury Youth Action Plan 2024 - 2027
17102022 Agenda and Reports Governance and Compliance Committee
Committee Meeting 15/08/2022 For Information 3.2.1 Off-Leash Greyhound Event - Dog Park Suitability Evaluation Moved Cr D Proleta Seconded Cr G Reynolds That Council: 1. Approves that all future off