Showing 541 – 560 of 1662 results
16 06 2021 minutes youth council
Duncan Seconded E Williams 1. The information is received. CARRIED YC2 Youth Programs and Events Update May 2021 Moved B Duncan Seconded E Williams 1. The information is received and noted. CARRIED

Water Recycling
& flow intensities) in response to rainfall events. The quality of the urban stormwater flows are also analysed to determine treatment processes required for reuse. Detention basins (temporary stormwater
17052022 Minutes Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee
for funding for the May 2022 round of Community Grants as follows: a. Grant No. 53/2021-22: Philippine Fiesta of South Australia: to the value of $5,000: to assist with hosting its event, Philippine

Ingle Farm Library
returns The after hours returns chute is available in the Ingle Farm Recreation Centre during their opening hours (next door to the Ingle Farm Library). Programs and events Find out the latest programs

Mawson Lakes Library
across all of the library branches. Find out more. Programs and events Find out the latest programs and events at our library by visiting the What’s On Guide page. Bus route Bus route 224 or 225 Location 1

The increasing importance of older persons mental health
, frailty or other health problems, for which they require some form of long-term care. In addition, older people are more likely to experience events such as bereavement, or a drop in socioeconomic
14 07 2020 minutes tourism and vistitor sub committee
of Salisbury Calendar of Events & Exhibitions review Mayor G Aldridge left the meeting at 5:14 pm. Mayor G Aldridge returned to the meeting at 5:15 pm. Cr D Proleta left the meeting at 6:13 pm. Cr D Proleta
18042023 Minutes Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee
Community Event Sponsorship Grant Application Moved Cr P Jensen Seconded Mayor G Aldridge That the Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee, in accordance with its delegated powers set out in the adopted
17 05 2021 minutes governance and compliance committee
of Protocol for Civic Events and Functions Policy Moved Cr K Grenfell Seconded Cr D Proleta 1. The Information be received. 2. The Protocol for Civic Events and Functions Policy as set out
Walkleys Corridor Stage 2 Community Engagement Summary
the plan • Identify information gaps • Understand the overall level of community and stakeholder support. A range of engagement activities were undertaken including a pop up engagement event, an online
Environmental Sustainability and Trees Sub Committee Terms of Reference
in the Council Offices at 34 Church Street, Salisbury, in the Council/Committee Rooms. Meetings will occur monthly or as required. 5.2 In the event that a meeting falls on a public holiday, the meeting
Current terms of reference ceo review committee endorsed by council 27 09 2021
In the event that a meeting falls on a public holiday, the meeting will convene on the next business day in that same week. 5.3 In accordance with section 87 of the Act, a minimum of three clear days
04 12 2018 minutes sport recreation and grants committee
Story event as outlined in the Community Grant Application and additional information. CARRIED City of Salisbury Page 5 Sport, Recreation and Grants Committee Minutes - 4 December 2018 Minutes - Sport
09122024 Minutes Policy and Planning Committee
of Salisbury Page 3 Policy and Planning Committee Minutes - 9 December 2024 ORDERS TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC Minutes - Policy and Planning Committee Meeting - 9 December 2024 1.4.1 Harmony Week 2025 Major Event
21 10 2019 minutes resources and governance committee
Update Moved Cr B Brug Seconded Cr K Grenfell 1. The information be received. 2. The City of Salisbury does not conduct a White Ribbon Event in November 2019. 3. City of Salisbury continues to raise
14 10 2019 minutes innovation and business development sub committee
in the submission to the State Government on the Reforming Local Government in South Australia Discussion Paper. CARRIED OTHER BUSINESS IBDSC-OB1 Expenditure for Salisbury Plays Events Moved Cr P Jensen
City of salisbury community survey final report aug 2012 v2
/ better streetscapes / tree selections. Communication from Council • Nearly 9 out of 10 respondents could name at least one method in which Council informs residents about events and services
2018 agenda and reports council meeting 4012896
Grants Program Application 7.2.9a Community Event Sponsorship Program Applications - Round 1 – Grant No. 1/2018: Lutheran Church of Australia, SA-NT District Inc. 7.2.9b Community Event Sponsorship Program