Showing 581 – 600 of 1662 results
Current terms of reference policy and planning committee endorsed by council 27 09 2021
and times as set out in the attached Special Term 3. 5.2 In the event that a meeting falls on a public holiday, the meeting will convene on the next business day in that same week. 5.3 In accordance
Hardship Policy 2019
but unable to meet their debt obligations because of unexpected events or unforeseen changes that impacts cash flow, for example: a) Changes in income or expenditure; b) Changes in employment status
Financial hardship policy 2020
but unable to meet their debt obligations because of unexpected events or unforeseen changes that impacts cash flow, for example: a) Changes in income or expenditure; b) Changes in employment status
20 04 2021 minutes innovation and business development committee
- Response Dashboard Moved Cr M Blackmore Seconded Cr G Reynolds 1. The information is received. CARRIED 6.2.2 Review of Events - First Quarter 2021 Moved Cr M Blackmore Seconded Cr J Woodman 1
FINAL Walkleys Rd Info Brochure web
by attending our pop-up event at the reserve, filling out our feedback form, sending us an email, giving us a call or joining our listening post. In developing a concept plan, you asked us to consider: Amenity
12072022 Agenda and Reports Para Hills Community Hub Precinct Sub Committee
Adelaide Education Officer 3.2. External 4. REPORT 3.2.1. Not Applicable 4.1. Programs and Events 4.1.1. During April to June 2022, PHCH hosted a popup COVID-19 vaccination clinic coordinated via SA Health
Final walkleys rd info brochure web
by attending our pop-up event at the reserve, filling out our feedback form, sending us an email, giving us a call or joining our listening post. In developing a concept plan, you asked us to consider: Amenity
Information brochure and Draft Concept Plan March 2021
by attending our pop-up event at the reserve, filling out our feedback form, sending us an email, giving us a call or joining our listening post. In developing a concept plan, you asked us to consider: Amenity
Annual Report 2017-2018
and Budget Budget Review Rating Matters Business Units Community Event Sponsorship Grants Community Grants Phoebe Wanganeen Indigenous Scholarship Applications Sport, Recreation and Open Space Corporate
Annual Report 2013-2014
. This is showcased by events such as Harmony Day, NAIDOC Week and our Citizenship Ceremonies. Furthermore, we have developed and are implementing our City Pride Agenda, which in part builds
2019 agenda council meeting
Review of Flag Policy 3.6.3 Review of Protocol for Civic Events and Functions Policy 3.6.4 Review of Informal Gatherings Policy 3.6.5 Review of Hardship Policy for Residential Salisbury Water Customers 5.4
23082021 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting
08/2021: Hispanic Womens Association of South Australia Inc. - Community Grants Program Application 5.1.6 Community Grants Program - Guidelines and Eligibility Criteria 5.1.7 Community Event
17 08 2020 agenda and reports budget and finance committee
for the Innovation and Business Development Sub Committee Moved Cr C Buchanan Seconded Cr K Grenfell 1. The information be received. CARRIED 6.0.3-IBDSC2 Community Event Sponsorship Christmas Carol Grant Criteria
23082021 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting
5.1.7 Community Event Sponsorship Christmas Carol Grant Application **Further Information Report: p.69 5.1.7FI Community Event Sponsorship Christmas Carol Grant Application 5.1.8 Baltimore Reserve
13122021 Minutes Urban Services Committee
community events, in association with State Government through Green Adelaide Education staff hosted by Council. 2. Notes that the Natural Assets Team will continue to provide a half yearly update
17 08 2020 minutes budget and finance committee
August 2020 City of Salisbury Minutes - Budget and Finance Committee Meeting - 17 August 2020 6.0.2-IBDSC3 City of Salisbury Calendar of Events and Exhibitions Review Moved Cr K Grenfell Seconded
12 03 2019 minutes sport recreation and grants committee
conflict of interest on the basis of being advised that she would be receiving an invitation to the event. Mayor Aldridge managed the conflict by remaining in the meeting and not voting on the item
19 12 2016 council late further information item 3 5
, publications, information, events and resources. Members often receive benefits such as free or discounted costs to ALGWA SA events and free resources. 3.3 Cr Gill is the ALGWA (SA) President and Cr
Create a Place Public Art Project Artist Project Brief
of Salisbury Public Art Panel will approve final concept designs and will comprise the following: • Mayor Gillian Aldridge OAM • Cr Lauren Brug • Cr Kylie Grenfell • Raitchel Graves - Senior events lead • Amy Pokoney Cramey – GM Community Development • Tom Beales - Team Leader: Sport, Rec & Events