Showing 681 – 700 of 1661 results
21022022 AMENDED Agenda and Reports Policy and Planning Committee
Committee Meeting 17/01/2022 2.2 not to proceed with the planned Australia Day 2022 community events incorporating the community breakfast, localised play, entertainment and music activity 2.3
15 02 2021 agenda and reports policy and planning committee
+. Page 13 Policy and Planning Committee Agenda - 15 February 2021 City of Salisbury ITEM 1.1.1 YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update January 2021 YC5 1. That the information is received and noted. Youth
2017 agenda and reports youth council 3507186
guidance/assistance with the project being undertaken. 3. REPORT Safe City 3.1 The aim of this project is to work with local agencies to host a community event providing young people with information
2017 minutes development assessment panel
insanitary condition, and no runoff into neighbouring property for the major storm event ARI = 100 years. Reason: To ensure flood protection of the buildings. 5. The proposed building(s) finished floor level
2018 minutes council meeting 4020979
Bryant declared a material conflict of interest on Item 7.2.9(a) - Community Event Sponsorship Program Applications - Round 1 – Grant No. 1/2018: Lutheran Church of Australia, SA-NT District Inc

Gardening workshops
Activities Gardening workshops On this page Communal garden at The Hive Upcoming activities and events Gardening tips Growing your own food at home notes The Burton Community Hub has transitioned

Jack Young Centre (JYC)
participating in an organised event or just enjoying a cup of coffee in our lounge, the JYC is the perfect place to connect with others in your community. Meals at the Jack Young Centre Jack's Café
11 06 2019 minutes sport recreation and grants committee
. 7.2.4 Community Event Sponsorship Program - Round 3 Moved Cr D Hood Seconded Mayor G Aldridge 1. It be noted that, in accordance with delegated powers set out in the endorsed Terms of Reference
26082024 Minutes Council
in relation to Salisbury Science Fun Day and the success of this event and activation on a Sunday. DEPUTATIONS No Deputations have been received. PRESENTATION OF MINUTES Moved Cr C Buchanan Seconded
25 11 2019 minutes council meeting
on the agenda, followed by Item 5.7, 7.2.15 – Community Event Sponsorship Program for consideration. CARRIED 0319/2019 CARRIED 0320/2019 CARRIED 0321/2019 Page 2 Council Minutes 25 November 2019 City
19 10 2020 agenda and reports budget and finance committee
. Meeting - Heading and Resolution Officer Item 26/08/2019 Event Management Framework and Room Booking Charles Mansueto Fees & Charges - Salisbury Community Hub 6.1.3 5. That a report on the operation
Partnership Projects 2022
cohorts • Leadership in the delivery of a northern strategy for homelessness, including collaborative groups, networks and key events. PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS 2022 | 29 30 | PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS 2022
27112023 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting
Land Classification and Disposal - West Avenue Buffer Reserve, Edinburgh 4.2.1 Community engagement in Environmental activities (report on environmental events/ activities which have engaged
2018 agenda and reports policy and planning committee 4004347
feedback on the potential for a fishing event at Mawson Lakes in 2019, as outlined in Option 1 of this report. 2. Failing that there are no angling clubs to utilise this opportunity that Council consider
22072024 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting
in relation to Item ESATS2 from Environmental Sustainability and Sub Committee Meeting held on 8 July 2024) 4.2.1 Community engagement in Environmental activities (report on environmental events
10022025 Agenda and Reports Intercultural Strategy and Partnerships Sub Committee
ISPS3 Harmony Week 2025 Major Event Update Moved Cr S Ouk Seconded Mayor G Aldridge That Council: 1. Notes the information provided in this report (Item ISPS3, Intercultural Strategy and Partnership
19 08 2019 minutes budget and finance committee
UNANIMOUSLY 6.1.3 Event Management Framework and Room Booking Fees & Charges - Salisbury Community Hub Cr C Buchanan left the meeting at 07:02 pm. Cr C Buchanan returned to the meeting at 07:02 pm. Cr P
20022024 Minutes Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee
Team Leader Sport, Recreation and Events, Mr B Hopkins Manager Community Experience, Ms C Kroepsch Manager Sport, Recreation and Community Planning, Mr A Hamilton Minutes - Community Wellbeing
Current youth council sub committee terms of reference
on a question arising for a decision. 6.3 The Chairperson has a deliberative vote, but does not, in the event of an equality of votes, have a casting vote. 6.4 In the event of an equality of votes
27092022 Minutes Council Assessment Panel
) 2. Stormwater management arrangements, including accompanying design calculations, which consider the 10% AEP minor storm and 1% AEP major storm events. (a) Stormwater discharge to the downstream