Showing 701 – 720 of 1661 results
12 08 2019 agenda and reports strategic and international partnerships sub committee
-Committee through the provision of grants made available to enable exchanges and events to occur, noting that Council currently provides some opportunities for funding through the Youth Sponsorship
Final intercultural strategic plan 2017
, act and interact. A community that follows these principles is a culturally inclusive community. It is one that we’ve grown to recognise and accept as staging events and offering services purposely
Harmony Week 2023 Poster Final
including cultural performances, live music, a vibrant intercultural parade and an iconic exhibition. Attendees at this free event will be treated to a Welcome to Country and a wide range of music and dance
28 10 2019 minutes council meeting
and noted. 1.1.1-YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update October 2019 1. That the information be received and noted. 1.1.2 Salisbury Secret Garden 2020 1. It is recommended that: a. Council notes
09 07 2018 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee
Administration 7.0.1 Future Reports for the Sport, Recreation and Grants Committee Moved Cr L Caruso Seconded Mayor G Aldridge 1. The information be received. CARRIED CARRIED 7.0.2 Community Event

Off-Leash Greyhound Day cancelled
Council Off-Leash Greyhound Day cancelled Events 18 Nov 2022 Our Off-Leash Greyhound Day that was scheduled for Saturday 19 November at Jenkins Reserve in Salisbury Park has been cancelled for safety
FINAL AISP Background Information 2024
, commercial use of footpaths, parking and builds and maintains recreation centres including the Salisbury Aquatic Centre. • Runs events, training and activities for the community. • Provides jobs
23012023 Agenda and Reports Finance and Corporate Services
2023 22/08/2022 Proposed Event Calendar 2023-2025 Michelle Dagger 5.1.3 4. Notes that a New Initiative Bid be considered for the balance of the event calendar for 2023/24 and 202425 Due: February 2023
2016 agenda and reports policy and planning committee 3396912
Week 2017 Moved Cr G Caruso Seconded Mayor G Aldridge 1. Youth Council members discuss and brainstorm ideas for activities/events. 2. A working party of Youth Council members, staff and youth

Community E-Newsletter Keep up to date with our latest news by subscribing to 'What's On in Libraries and Community Centres'. A quarterly e-newsletter covering programs and events, services available

Libraries and Community Centres Newsletter
and events, services available and community news from the libraries and community centres within the City of Salisbury. Click here to sign up. Past Editions View the latest and past editions
2016 agenda and reports audit committee 3289233
v1.3 April 2016 6. Event Management Audit Scope 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 The attachments to this report detail the internal audit work to be undertaken by, or on behalf of, the BA Internal Audit & Risk
Srf 2009
, dignity and respect 9 Personal hygiene 10 Nutrition 11 Mobility 12 Activities 13 Medication 14 Notification of certain events 15 Personal finances Part 5—Staffing arrangements Division 1—Management
21 12 2020 agenda and reports council meeting
Committee YC2 Youth Council Membership YC3 Youth Council Projects Update YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update December 2020 *refer Further Information Report 1.1.1FI YC5 Additional Youth Council
16 12 2019 agenda and reports council meeting
Committee 1.1.9 Youth Council Project Teams Update 1.1.10 Additional Youth Council Achievements 1.1.11 Youth Programs and Events Update December 2019 1.1.12 Youth Council Membership 1.2.1 Short Term
Reaching for inclusion a3 portrait poster 2019
inclusive programs, services & events 2 Accessible buildings, streets and open spaces 3 Appropriate information and responsive customer service 4 Effective participation in decision making 5 Proactive
Salisbury Community Hub Map Grey Layout 2023 FINAL
Parabanks Shopping Centre FIRST AID SALISBURY COMMUNITY HUB Please note: public access to First Aid and bathroom facilities are still available outside of building operating hours during this event