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Council City of Salisbury Logo Placeholder
Showing 701 – 720 of 1019 results

Salisbury Memorial Park Cemetery Specifications

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by the Manager – Cemetery Services and his staff and charged to the client at the prevailing rates. 5. CHILDREN’S MONUMENT 5.1 In the children’s section, monuments must not exceed 750mm in height

City plan sustainable futures 2020 2013 version

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reduction of trade barriers, increases in industrial capacity in low-wage nations, the high Australian dollar and changes in consumer preferences. Our overall unemployment rate has fallen

2016 agenda and reports strategic property development sub committee 3340151

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upside across all four Tranche 1 projects. Assumptions: �� GST on revenue has been determined at the full rate pending resolution of the application of the margin scheme based on the advice received from

2019 agenda and reports youth council

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Your L’s to over 4000 participants with a good success rate. 3.1.9 Bagster Road Community Centre ran a pilot filming program for young people. They have been able to pick it up again this year and fund

28032022 Minutes Council Meeting

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Buchanan Seconded Cr S Reardon That Council: 1. Approves the Salisbury Memorial Park 2022/23 Budget and fees and charges as included in Attachment 1 (Finance and Corporate Services Committee, 21 March 2022

28032022 Minutes Council Meeting

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Buchanan Seconded Cr S Reardon That Council: 1. Approves the Salisbury Memorial Park 2022/23 Budget and fees and charges as included in Attachment 1 (Finance and Corporate Services Committee, 21 March 2022

18092023 Minutes Finance and Corporate Services Committee

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(BTFFP) for the 2022/23 financial year, in accordance with the Business Transformation Future Fund Policy: Expenditure / Income Category Savings / Gains Interest Expense 1,050,100 Other Rates revenue

13122021 Minutes Policy and Planning Committee

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at Twelve25 and the Salisbury Community Hub for the collection and recycling of disposable face masks, with the collection rate to be monitored, reviewed and reported to the April 2022 meeting

11072023 Minutes Audit and Risk Committee

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the Administration’s undertaking to undertake the Rates Setting Process, Revenue and Debtors Audit on a co-sourced basis following the Audit and Risk Committee’s recommendation. 2. Notes the mapping

2019 agenda and reports policy and planning committee 4236794

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this component is only about 40% to 50% of the total bill. The balance of the residential bill consists of network and environmental charges, which are South Australian Power Network (SAPN) and Australian

16 11 2020 minutes works and services committee

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continues to monitor Gulfview Height Lake, including the condition of the clay liner and water level, to maximise the periods of standing water in the lake, based on rainfall and evaporation rates over

19 02 2018 minutes budget and finance committee

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Management to Rates Collection due to change process associated with printing debtor statements with the print house. 4. Transfer $151,500 from Northern Economic Plan to Digital Growth Program which

Thrive Action Plan Final

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are highly utilised and accessible to everybody Moving the dial on low rates of physical inactivity and declining sports participation Reaching those who are disengaged from clubs, gyms, and council

01 sustainabilityoverview

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into the sea. Today, Salisbury has been transformed. With a population of around 120,000 people, the City of Salisbury is growing at a faster rate than any other region in South Australia and this trend

2018 agenda and reports council meeting 4012896

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and Finance Committee 6.1.1 Budget Timetable 2019/20 6.6.1 Submission to ESCOSA – South Australian Local Government Rate Oversight Scheme 5.7 Sport, Recreation and Grants Committee – 10 and 17 September 2018

17 08 2020 agenda and reports works and services committee

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mechanism, embedding this into the NAWMA Budgetary process (and Budget Review process). 3. Council notes the increased voucher fees for Salisbury rate payers in the NAWMA 2020/21 budget 4. Council

15052023 Agenda and Reports Governance and Compliance Committee

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the permission of the Council, consume, carry or be in possession or in charge of any liquor on local government land comprising parks or reserves to which the Council has determined this paragraph

18 11 2019 agenda and reports works and services committee

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the conflict by remaining in the meeting and voting in the best interests of the community. Moved Cr G Reynolds Seconded Mayor G Aldridge 1. Council endorse not charging the 2018/19 fees for waste

20112023 Minutes Urban Services Committee

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2023 ORDERS TO EXCLUDE THE PUBLIC 4.4.1 Field Services - Contractual Rate Increases Moved Cr M Mazzeo Seconded Cr A Graham Pursuant to section 90(2) of the Local Government Act 1999 the Urban Services

15 03 2021 minutes urban services committee

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associated with the additional green bins (to cover an assumed take up rate of 50% of eligible households). 5. Staff prepare a New Initiative Bid for consideration of $156K for the provision of kitchen caddies