Showing 721 – 740 of 1661 results
03 06 2019 agenda and reports budget and finance committee
to assess events and functions to be held at the Para Hills Community Hub to determine whether the booking is low or high risk and vary hire fees on this basis and vary the bond for hiring the Para Hills
11 02 2019 agenda and reprots sport recraetion and grants committee
Community Event Sponsorship Funding Moved Mayor G Aldridge Seconded Cr N Henningsen 1. In accordance with delegated powers set out in the endorsed Terms of Reference, the Sport, Recreation and Grants
2019 agenda and reports policy and planning committee 4198699
be appointed to the position of Team Leader, Life Beyond 18 Project Team. CARRIED 1.1.1-YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update Jan - April 2019 Moved Cr M Blackmore Seconded Cr K Grenfell 1
20022023 Minutes Finance and Corporate Services Committee
$99,250 Cobbler Creek Trail Maintenance $11,000 Community Bus $105,000 Membership Fee Adelaide Coastal Councils $5,500 Network managed by the LGA New Events Calendar $68,000 Residual Current Device
21 01 2019 minutes resources and governance committee
/01/2019), be endorsed. CARRIED 3.6.3 Review of Protocol for Civic Events and Functions Policy Moved Mayor G Aldridge Seconded Cr J Woodman 1. The Information be received. 2. The Protocol for Civic
Extreme Heat Policy
. 5. Policy Statements 5.1 Council will provide support or assistance as requested by the SA State Emergency Service in response to extreme heat events and in accordance with the Extreme Heat Plan. 5.2
20 07 2020 minutes policy and planning committee
-committee at a future date (November 2020 meeting of TVSC), for inclusion in future budget bids. CARRIED 1.0.2-TVSC3 City of Salisbury Calendar of Events & Exhibitions review Moved Cr M Blackmore Seconded

Elected Members Have Their Say
Council Elected Members Have Their Say We asked our Elected Members, ‘What recent community achievement, event, or project in your ward are you proud of?’ Here’s what they said... Mayor Gillian
20112023 Minutes Finance and Corporate Services Committee
$111,000 CHSP Grant Funding contract adjustment $42,800 Harmony Day Event $16,000 Network Remediation – Ingle Farm $10,400 Purchase New 5 Tonne Excavator $170,000 Saturday Session Transfer $18,000 Transfer
Shopfront improvement grants guidelines Nov 2022 Final
of Salisbury in the event that the proposed activity does not occur. In the event that all grant money is not expended, any unspent portion must also be returned to the City of Salisbury. March 2022 Small
COUNCIL Shopfront improvement grants guidelines Nov 2022 Final
in the event that the proposed activity does not occur. In the event that all grant money is not expended, any unspent portion must also be returned to the City of Salisbury. March 2022 Small Business
21022022 Agenda and Reports Policy and Planning Commmittee
Committee Meeting 17/01/2022 2.2 not to proceed with the planned Australia Day 2022 community events incorporating the community breakfast, localised play, entertainment and music activity 2.3

Dept of Health Alerts
Services Dept of Health Alerts SA Health media releases SA Health provides the media and general public with regular updates on state Health services, initiatives, events and public health campaigns

Pledger Wetlands gets greener
, and the support of Mr Michael Brown, Member for Florey. Friends of Pledger Wetlands and the City of Salisbury are partnering to hold a community planting event at the Wetlands on Sunday 28 May from 9.30am

Discover what's on
and digital learning to children’s programs, social events, and health and wellbeing activities, there’s something for everyone. Our libraries, community centres, and hubs offer programs for all ages

Discover What’s On
learning to children’s programs, social events, and health and wellbeing activities, there’s something for everyone. Our libraries, community centres, and hubs offer programs for all ages and interests
17 06 2019 agenda and reports works and services committee
be received. CARRIED Community Centres and Youth 2.1.1 Salisbury Community Hub - Opening/Launch Event Moved Mayor G Aldridge Seconded Cr S Ouk 1. That the broad principles and agenda for the opening