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Showing 741 – 760 of 1020 results

26092022 Minutes Council Meeting

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on Notice: Traffic Improvements - Garden Terrace, Mawson Lakes This item was WITHDRAWN. MON2 Motion on Notice: Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations This item was WITHDRAWN. MON3 was brought foward

21022022 Agenda and Reports Policy and Planning Commmittee

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of Salisbury, noting that the City of Salisbury has: • one of the highest rates of COVID, • lowest vaccination rates, • inadequate public transport, • no train, and • prohibitive costs of taxi

2017 amended agenda and reports strategic property development sub committee

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advice that the concessional rate does not apply. The same calculations adopted for Boardwalk at Greentree as reported in (SPDSC5, Strategic Property Development Sub Committee 12/07/17

2017 agenda and reports policy and planning committee 3442802

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increases in industrial movements. 3.9 Using traffic generation rates from the Road Traffic Authority Land Use document, 2002, peak am/pm generation rates applicable to industry (assume combination

Final age friendly strategy report

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at an annual average growth rate of 4.1% which is above the South Australian rate of 2.1%. During this period Salisbury experienced the second highest net growth in the 65+ age group of all

Tafesa enrolment form

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Registration entered into SIS Banner 9 Entered By: Student Rate Code: Signature: Date: V4 – 28 May 2020 TAFE/13/12516 Page 3 of 3

Clever solutions for savvy seniors

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with water. Dilution rate will depend on your personal preference. Soft plastic condiment or squeezy sauce bottles can be purchased at discount stores for around $3.00 for a 250ml bottle or $4.00 for a 500ml

Local Government Act Order Making Policy Reviewed June 2017 DRAFT

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interest and, if the person is the owner of the land to which the order relates, the Council may impose a charge on the land for the unpaid amount and interest. 7. No civil liability attaches

21 10 2019 minutes works and services committee

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by remaining in the meeting and voting in the best interests of the community. Moved Cr G Reynolds Seconded Mayor G Aldridge 1. Council endorse not charging the 2018/19 fees for waste & recycling bin upgrades

Edition 33 Salisbury Aware Summer 2010

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.” “Residents live with, and in most cases care for the verge in front of their home, they should have more say on how their council rates are spent.” “We look forward to having a lovely green street

18032024 Agenda and Reports Urban Services

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5) to cover the increase in the collection costs associated with the additional green bins (to cover an assumed take up rate of 50% of eligible households). • Council note that after year 5

2017 agenda and reports council meeting 3713151

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for minor and major rainfall events, to ensure that post development water flow rates are maintained at the same rate as pre-development flow rates (noting however that with development the total volume

15112021 Agenda and Reports Urban Services Committee

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, and expansion in service delivery of $1.6M for 2021/22, the rate scenario that provides some ability to respond to emerging needs and external impacts, and provides ongoing financial sustainability

28022022 Agenda and Reports Council Meeting

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Without Notice Orders to Exclude the Public p77 2 Finance and Corporate Services Committee: 21 February 2022 Chair: Cr D Proleta 2.4.1 Update on Action on Rates Assessment Outstanding under Section 184

15 02 2021 agenda and reports policy and planning committee

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-social behaviours, mental health and health impacts, crime and offending rates, homelessness, unemployment, child protection and domestic/family violence issues which are often associated with chronic

21022022 AMENDED Agenda and Reports Policy and Planning Committee

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of Salisbury, noting that the City of Salisbury has: • one of the highest rates of COVID, • lowest vaccination rates, • inadequate public transport, • no train, and • prohibitive costs of taxi

21 12 2020 minutes council meeting

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leases from the 1 January 2021 through to 30 June 2021 at the rates applicable to the period 1 October 2019 through to 30 September 2020, and 2. The appropriate budget adjustment to reduce Sporting

Asbestos faqs

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, hire an asbestos-rated vacuum cleaner from an asbestos removal company. DO NOT use a domestic vacuum cleaner as these cleaners recirculate the asbestos fibres in the air. Do I have to remove asbestos

18 09 2017 minutes works and services committee

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the following conditions: �� �� �� For a period of 10 years. At a commencing rental rate of $41,945.97 (including GST) to increase by CPI annually and with market rent review at the 5 year period

Strategic Growth Framework Waterloo Corner Bolivar Corridor July 2022 Key Findings Summary

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cooperatively. • Where the land owner’s interest is low or unwilling to fund infrastructure, a Separate Rate could be used to facilitate the orderly development of the area. The Council will likely take the lead