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Council City of Salisbury Logo Placeholder
Showing 761 – 780 of 1661 results

2016 minutes council meeting

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Development 1.1.1 Multicultural Event Proposal Cr Balaza declared a material conflict of interest on the basis of being a member of the governing body of the Salisbury City Centre Business Association

22 03 2021 minutes council meeting

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Public Question Time: Mr Waylen publicly acknowledged staff for the high standard of local events such as the Salisbury Fringe, International Women’s Day and Harmony Day. ITEM 2: DEPUTATIONS
Community Healthy Health Services Food Safety

Food Safety for the Public

Safety: Events If you want to sell food to the public it is essential to adhere to the guidelines for temporary food premises to ensure food is handled appropriately and that the operator complies
Community News Salisbury Intercultural Community Alliance

Salisbury Intercultural Community Alliance

, celebration and events Services and programs Council’s internal capacity To apply to be a volunteer for the Salisbury Intercultural Alliance, please complete the online Volunteer Expression of Interest form
Events A Better Man Screening

Council supports White Ribbon Day with free film screening

Events |
Council Council supports White Ribbon Day with free film screening Events 14 Nov 2022 The City of Salisbury will host a free movie screening on Friday, November 18 in support of White Ribbon
Council Volunteering Volunteers 03

Volunteering FAQs

and events we need the help of many volunteers. We offer a wide range of volunteer roles that are advertised on this website and updated at the start of each month. You can: view the current vacancies in our

Community Youth Twelve25 Northern Youth SALA Exhibition Terms and Conditions 2023

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and their photographic reproductions may be used to develop promotional materials for this event and future Youth Activities. The artist accepts that the work may be reproduced, in whole or in part, for promotional

21112023 Minutes Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee

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in Section 3.2 of this report (Item No. 5.1.4, Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee, 21 November 2023), did not meet the eligibility criteria as it was not received 14 days clear of the event. 3

15 01 2018 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee

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be applied to assist with the purchase of sound, lighting and stage for the 2017 Christmas Carols event. Cr B Brug returned to the meeting at 6:37 pm. CARRIED CARRIED Minutes of the Sport, Recreation

2017 agenda and reports council meeting 3630755

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for small businesses and sole traders. The SBA priorities for the 2017/18 financial year are: (a) (b) Increase in precinct activation activities such as car shows and a range of smaller scale events

2016 agenda and reports council meeting 3689726

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to Council that: 1. The information be received. Community Development 1.1.1 Multicultural Event Proposal It is recommended to Council that: 1. The staging of a multicultural event in September 2017 in John

14082023 Agenda and Reports Intercultural Strategy and Partnerships Sub Committee

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school visits have occurred since the commencement of the Agreement, however due to the Covid-19 pandemic, any visits by Mobara to Salisbury were cancelled, including the Mobara Festival event. 1.6

2016 agenda and reports youth council 3219601

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Breakfast 2016 (Verbal) Julie Brett provided an overview of the International Women’s Day Breakfast to be held on Tuesday, 8 March 2016 and encouraged Youth Council’s attendance. Laneway Event (Verbal

19062023 Minutes Urban Services Committee

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Cr C Buchanan Seconded Cr A Graham That Council: 1. Notes the completed works to manage stormwater based on the information available from the May 30, 2022 event. 2. Notes that future investigations

19102021 Minutes Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee

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with provision for a new sub-lease arrangement to provide Northern Districts Athletics Club and Salisbury Little Athletics Centre access to Golding Oval, at no additional charge, in the event Bridgestone

Current intercultural strategy and partnerships sub committee terms of reference

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, but does not; in the event of an equality of votes have a casting vote. 6.5 In the event of an equality of votes, the matter must be referred to the parent committee for decision. Intercultural Strategy

22042024 Agenda Only Council Meeting

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Program services up to June 2027 5.1.8 Social Worker in Libraries Partnership Opportunity For Noting Only: Decisions Made Under Committee Delegation 5.1.2 Community Event Sponsorship Grant Application

CAP Terms of Reference June 2023

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. A Presiding Members is eligible to be reappointed as the Presiding Member at the expiry of his or her term of office as Presiding Member. 2.16. In the event that the Presiding Member resigns

CAP Terms of Reference October 2021

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is eligible to be reappointed as the Presiding Member at the expiry of his or her term of office as Presiding Member. 2.16. In the event that the Presiding Member resigns or is removed from office