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Council City of Salisbury Logo Placeholder
Showing 821 – 840 of 1661 results

Liquor Licences Policy

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day; and - to 1:00 am on Saturdays. 2. Upon receipt of a written request, Council may approve alternative hours of trading for any form of liquor licence to apply for a specific purpose/event. F
Activities Arts 2021 Watershed Creative Art Prize 04

Watershed Creative Prize to celebrate sustainability

Events |
Council Watershed Creative Prize to celebrate sustainability Events 2 Feb 2021 The City of Salisbury’s popular Watershed Creative Prize will this year return with a broader theme and all new

Strengthening Community with The Blue Tree Project

Media Release, Update |
. A sign with this message was affixed to the blue tree. The event went well and attracted curious passersby who thought it was a great idea. Some spoke with volunteers sharing their own stories
Events Write Now 2021

Salisbury to launch next chapter of popular writers’ festival

Events |
Council Salisbury to launch next chapter of popular writers’ festival Events 27 Jul 2021 City of Salisbury is preparing to launch the next chapter of its popular annual writers’ festival on Saturday
NEWS Mawson Lakes School Bridge

Mawson Lakes School Footbridge

Media Release, Update |
and students to access buildings on either side. Construction for a new footbridge started last year and was designed to withstand flooding events and improve accessibility for the school community

21 05 2018 minutes budget and finance committee

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activities, Community events, for not for profit organisations providing benefit to the community, and for the purpose of recovering additional costs associated with event bookings. 8. The Manager Economic

15042024 Agenda and Reports Governance and Compliance Committee

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Events Review Moved Cr D Hood Seconded Mayor G Aldridge That Council 1. Notes the report. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 6 Governance and Compliance Committee Agenda - 15 April 2024 City

Edition 60 Salisbury Aware Summer 2019

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. Other upcoming events include the Mawson Centre Christmas Markets, Australia Day Breakfast and Salisbury Secret Garden. Keep an ear out for the upcoming announcement of our Secret Garden headline act

27112023 Minutes Council Meeting

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$111,000 CHSP Grant Funding contract adjustment $42,800 Harmony Day Event $16,000 Network Remediation – Ingle Farm $10,400 Purchase New 5 Tonne Excavator $170,000 Saturday Session Transfer $18,000 Transfer
Council About Citizenship Ceremonies

Citizenship Ceremonies

by the Department of Home Affairs, containing details of the event. If you haven't received an invitation to attend a ceremony at the City of Salisbury, you must contact the Department of Home Affairs
Events Questacon Earth Quest 3

Questacon’s Earth Quest lands for school holidays in Salisbury

Media Release |
: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8:30am-5:30pm Thursday 8:30am-7pm Saturday 9:30 am - 3:30 pm Sunday 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Closed on public holidays. The exhibition is an exciting event to come
Locations The Watershed Cafe 01

The Watershed Cafe

Facility for Hire | Mawson Lakes
. Seating up to 150 people in the venue and 350 people cocktail style across their sizeable decking The Watershed can facilitate your event with on-site car parking to assist these numbers. The Watershed

COVID-19 Vaccine English FAQs

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of becoming seriously ill from the virus. By getting vaccinated, you will also be able to travel, go to events and see loved ones in the future. Why do I need to get a booster vaccination? Two doses
Advisory Committee Adelaide 98

Amazon Disaster Relief Hub Opening

of challenges. Mayor Gillian Aldridge OAM The event was very interesting, as we learned what goes into a disaster relief pack, the work behind the scenes to get them packed and sent, and the 72-hour timeframe
News Salisbury On Hunt For Next Citizen Of The Year

Salisbury on hunt for next Citizen of the Year – nominate now!

Media Release, Award |
Young Citizen of the Year Award Senior Citizen of the Year Award Community Event of the Year Award Award for Active Citizenship (open to all non-Australian citizens) Salisbury Community Achievement
Image of Mayor Gillian Aldridge OAM

A Word From The Mayor

, grants and upcoming events. You’ll discover what we’ve been up to at the Salisbury Community Hub with our new Hub After Dark pilot, see all the great improvements that we’ve been making to local

28 03 2018 agenda and reports special budget and finance committee

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of Salisbury Events bid has been increased by $49k to reflect Policy and Planning March ‘18 Item 1.1.2 “City of Salisbury Events”. Capital Program 3.4 The following changes to Capital Bids have occurred since

Web discover salisbury issue 9 2020

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EVENT PROMOTION Are you organising a public event in the City of Salisbury? If so, we can help you promote it. Please send your event details, photos and/or key digital links to: Attention Editor

29 06 2021 minutes council assessment panel

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consider the minor storm (Q10) and major storm (Q100) events. Peak discharge to the external stormwater system is not to exceed pre-development flow rates. g. Water sensitive urban design measures

24 08 2020 minutes council meeting

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council be received and accepted YC3 Youth Council Projects Update 1. That the information be received and noted. YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update August 2020 1. That the information be received