Showing 861 – 880 of 1661 results
09082022 Minutes Youth Council Sub Committee
2035 did not occur. YC3 Youth Council Projects Update Moved V Reed Seconded F Uwamahoro That Council: 1. Notes the report. CARRIED YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update August 2022 Moved F Uwamahoro

Free family fun party on Salisbury’s revived Church and John Streets
Council Free family fun party on Salisbury’s revived Church and John Streets Media Release Events 4 May 2023 The Church and John Street Revitalisation Project kicked off in May of last year

Salisbury Aquatic Centre’s inaugural summer season launch
and giant tipping bucket, and 10-metre high, triple water slide tower. Outside the Centre, a community event will host free entertainment including inflatables (such as jumping castles), mini golf, rock
Dog roaming brochure
• keep your dog indoors when fireworks displays are likely to occur during festive seasons and special events Avoid the Consequences If dogs escape the consequences can be very serious and costly
Salisbury oval precinct master plan october 2019
of housing or other opportunities through community consultation Improve quantity, quality and connectivity of car parking for sport and community events including exploring linking the Bowling Club

Native Grasses: Enhancing Establishment Forum 2016
YouTube channel: More Information Download a copy of the Forum Program. For further information about this event or if you have any questions regarding sharing or reusing any of the presentations

Consultation on updating South Australia’s bushfire hazard policy and mapping is now open
Government declared a climate emergency. Climate change is expected to result in more frequent and intense extreme weather events. Severe bushfires will occur more often and, without action

Navigating finances together at Salisbury’s Bring Your Bills Day
Financial Counselling Association, the event is open to everyone, and will bring together a diverse range of service providers under one roof, offering free advice and support to help navigate
13 10 2020 minutes youth council
be received and noted. CARRIED Page 2 Youth Council Sub Committee Minutes 13 October 2020 City of Salisbury Minutes - Youth Council Sub Committee Meeting - 13 October 2020 YC4 Youth Programs and Events Update
Have Your Say Inclusion Survey Document 2024
around my area safely O Council buildings meet my needs (Community Centres, Libraries, Recreation Centres, Salisbury Aquatic Centre) O Council programs and events are inclusive O Work or volunteer

Watershed Creative Prize Entries 2024
Hub and will close Monday 10 June 2024. Be sure to come along and check out this year's amazing entries! This annual event sees artists from all walks of life provided with the opportunity to present
16 10 2017 agenda and reports resources and governance committee
Executive signed a Statement of Commitment. Whole a Government Event at Adelaide Oval during White Ribbon month. 4.8.2 The City of Port Adelaide Enfield is the first South Australian Council to apply
04 06 2018 agenda and reports budget and finance committee
facilities fees and bonds for Council activities, Community events, for not for profit organisations providing benefit to the community, and for the purpose of recovering additional costs associated
Emergency Management Policy
in incident operations in accordance with the i-Responda operating platform; � Undertake a post-emergency event review of the Emergency Management Framework, including our response and recovery
FOR CONSULTATION Draft City Plan Easy Guide Version
. Explore the development of a large arts or cultural event. 4. Build relationships with First Nations peoples. 1. Improve the safety of our city. 2. Deliver our CCTV program to increase safety. 3
Consultations By Law Changes Summary
, or illegal signs and or hazardous signs such as banners that move or overhang pedestrian paths or obstruct traffic. 1.15.2 Banners – the approval of banners for community events 1.16 The By-Law
19 08 2019 minutes works and services committee
as outlined in the report if there are no objections raised as part of the consultation process. In the event objections are made on the road closure, a further report will be presented to Council following
2017 minutes policy and planning committee 3630550
Australia Day 2018 - Options for the Future Management of the Australia Day Event Cr J Woodman entered the meeting at 6:52 pm. Moved Cr G Reynolds Seconded Mayor G Aldridge 1. That a non-discretionary
15 05 2017 minutes budget and finance committee
casual hire of park facilities fees and bonds for Council activities, Community events, for not for profit organisations providing benefit to the community, and for the purpose of recovering additional