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Showing 881 – 900 of 3595 results

09 02 2021 audit committee item 7 1

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to and A welcoming recover from a disaster (e.g. fire, flood, and liveable City explosion, earthquake, storm, aircraft crash). Impacts: Service delivery to community severely compromised, reputational damage

20220405 Strategic Growth Framework CEO Briefing Presentation Final Rev B

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Infrastructure Requirements / Cost Estimates June 2022 MILESTONE 03 May 2022 Government/Key Stakeholder Engagement Service Infrastructure Investigations Site Constraint Desktop Analysis Economic Profile

15112021 Agenda and Reports Policy and Planning Committee

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26/10/2020 Community Bus to Service Western Suburbs Julie Douglas 6.0.2- IBDSC6 6. That a report be brought back at the conclusion of the trial, analysing the success or otherwise of the trial

13 04 2021 agenda and reports youth council

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, Projects Officer Governance, CEO and Governance 4.3 Have robust processes that support consistent service delivery and informed decision making. This item details reports to be presented to the Youth

27112023 Minutes Council Meeting

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No. 1.1.1, Policy and Planning Committee, 20 November 2023). CARRIED 0522/2023 Page 4 Council Minutes 27 November 2023 City of Salisbury 2 Finance and Corporate Services Committee Meeting Moved Cr D Hood

20092021 Minutes Governance and Compliance Committee

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(Waste to Resources) Policy 2010 • Expiation of Offences Act 1996 • Fences Act 1975 • Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Act 2017 • Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 • Fire and Emergency Services

14 09 2020 agenda and reports innovation and business development sub committee

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opportunities to improve the alignment and interface across organisation operations associated with the delivery of property related strategic outcomes and service delivery and support to leaseholders of Council

15 02 2016 minutes budget and finance committee

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. CARRIED 6.0.2-PRSC3 Program Review Brief - Public and Environmental Health Services Moved Cr G Caruso Seconded Cr E Gill 1. Information be received. 2. The Public and Environmental Health Services

2017 agenda and reports council meeting

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that as a result of the incident, Marilyn Court has been put on a “Prior to Storm – Review List” for Field Services to inspect, similar to key entry pits/headwalls in other areas, particularly

Strategic Growth Framework Waterloo Corner Bolivar Corridor Appendix 4 Strategic Growth Framework Engagement Plan

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. • Purpose 2 – The Stakeholder Engagement Plan has been prepared in a format that aligns with the Planning & Land Use Services Community Engagement Charter and in a format that will be required as part

21 01 2019 minutes budget and finance committee

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undertake a formal program review of the verge cutting activity. 2. The review to include: (a) An overview of current service levels and investigate cost and level of service trends, cost and quality
Community Healthy Living Well Walking 2

Regional Public Health Plan

Services Regional Public Health Plan "The places where we live, and the opportunities they provide, contribute to our health and wellbeing by giving us access to the economic resources and services

27 01 2021 minutes council assessment panel

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JANUARY 2021 MEMBERS PRESENT Mr T Mosel (Presiding Member) Mr R Bateup Ms C Gill Mr B Brug STAFF Manager Development Services, Mr C Zafiropoulos (Assessment Manager) Senior Development Officer – Planning

22 02 2021 minutes council meeting

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. CARRIED 0845/2021 Page 6 Council Minutes 22 February 2021 City of Salisbury 5.2 Finance and Corporate Services Committee - Recommendations for Council Ratification Moved Cr M Blackmore Seconded Cr S Ouk

2016 agenda and reports council meeting

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, Federal Government, business and community stakeholders to improve transport links via Elder Smith Road and Kings Road. Page 8 Council Agenda - 22 February 2016 City of Salisbury Works and Services

23 09 2019 minutes council meeting

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and Services Committee - Recommendations for Council Ratification Moved Cr S Reardon Seconded Cr L Braun That Council adopt the recommendations of the Works and Services Committee meeting on 16 September

18122023 Minutes Council Meeting

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Green Fields Centre Code Amendment Refer to General Business Item GB1 – Green Fields Centre Code Amendment. 2 Finance and Corporate Services Committee Meeting Moved Cr S McKell Seconded Cr A Graham

2017 minutes program review sub committee 3624501

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of Salisbury Minutes - Program Review Sub Committee Meeting - 14 August 2017 PRSC2 Inspectorate Services Program Review Outcome Cr L Caruso left the meeting at 07:22 pm. Cr L Caruso returned to the meeting

18 02 2019 minutes budget and finance committee

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be received. CARRIED 6.0.2-IBDSC2 Auditing of Verge Cutting Services Moved Cr K Grenfell Seconded Cr L Braun 1. The information be received. CARRIED Page 2 Budget and Finance Committee Minutes 18 February