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Showing 881 – 900 of 1020 results

Policy and planning committee agenda and reports 20 01 2020

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1.1.2 d. A further report to be brought back to Council in April 2020 providing recommendations regarding operational and management guideline fees and charges, budget, and any license/lease arrangements

2016 agenda and reports works and services committee 3225184

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with the previous three audits dating back to 2006/07. Faults are categorised as lifts, subsidences or undulations. These faults are rated against the degree of movement and movements of 50 mm or more

Salisbury Seniors Issue 24 June to September 2022

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to some of the following outcomes: • lowering your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate • reducing muscle tension and chronic pain • improves concentration and mood • reducing fatigue • reducing

19122022 Minutes Council Meeting

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with consideration of a special rate being introduced as part of the 2023/24 Budget to recoup that amount through a city centre business levy. 6. Defers the upgrade of the Mobara Laneway and requests

10 03 2021 agenda and reports strategic property development sub committee

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upon rates income in order to support delivery of improved services, programs and facilities to the City of Salisbury community. 2. CITY PLAN CRITICAL ACTION 2.1 Deliver a residential development

16082022 Agenda and Reports Innovation and Business Development Committee

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% 98.7% 98.7% 1.3% For CRM requests received in July 2022 we achieved a compliance rate of 98.7% where the CRM Request was either closed or responded to within 10 business days. Page 24 City of Salisbury

18 05 2021 agenda and reports innovation and business development sub committee

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a compliance rate of 94.8% where CRM Request was either closed or responded within 10 business days. Page 19 Innovation and Business Development Committee Agenda - 18 May 2021 City of Salisbury Item 6.2.1

16 06 2021 agenda and reports youth council

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year olds to sit their Learner’s test to attain their L’s. In partnership with TAFE SA, Twelve25 have delivered three workshops with a 100% pass rate. A total of 51 young people now have their Learner’s

13 01 2020 agenda and reports innovation and business development sub committee

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and building alliances with local schools has proved to be the best method to ensure high participation rates. There is also an ongoing benefit as people return to the location to utilise the space they have

10 08 2021 agenda and reports youth council

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day. In partnership with TAFE SA, Twelve25 have delivered three workshops with a 100% pass rate. A total of 51 young people now have their Learner’s permit as a result of 2021 programs. Wheels

18072022 Agenda and Reports Governance and Compliance Committee

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to the employment or termination of a council CEO and entering in a contract the value of which exceeds $100,000 or 1% of the Council’s revenue from rates in the preceding year (with limited exceptions

15082022 Agenda and Reports Governance and Compliance Committee

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. The fees can be amended annually by Council in the fees and charges review, and alternative higher or lower penalties can be established for individually identified offences at any time by Council

22 09 2020 minutes council assessment panel

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in developments with fewer than 100 lots where NBN Co has not established its network. Carriers, including NBN and Telstra, can charge for providing infrastructure in new developments. More information

17072023 Agenda and Reports Governance and Compliance Committee

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, carry or be in possession or in charge of any liquor on local government land comprising parks or reserves to which the Council has determined this paragraph applies, namely the local government land

Edition 65 Salisbury Aware Winter 2021

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Then advertise locally legal inservices to Salisbury Aware. Adelaide’s ● Wills & Estates For rates & publishing dates contact Walsh northern ● Powers of Attorney Media suburbs Telephone ● Advance 8221 Care 5600

Salisbury Aquatic Centre Engagement Summary Report

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– with a very high online survey response rate • Built community and stakeholder buy-in, excitement and enthusiasm for this project. In considering next steps for this project, Council may like to pay

FINAL Issue 25 October 2022 to January 2023 WEB

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research from Medical News Today found that combining meaningful physical and social activities were most likely to reduce the risk of developing dementia. Surprisingly, performing household chores rates

16042024 Agenda and Reports Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee

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. paper, toner, stationery, equipment etc.); • maintenance and repairs; • service charges (including additional warranties, service agreements and maintenance). However, some administrative costs may

17082021 Agenda and Reports Innovation and Business Development Sub

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received in July 2021 we achieved a compliance rate of 92.1% where CRM Request was either closed or responded within 10 business days. Requests Received % Responded < 10 Days % Closed < 10 Days % Not Met

2018 agenda and reports council meeting 4084394

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within the City of Salisbury: �� �� �� Election Results 93,937 ballot papers issued 25,883 ballot papers returned 27.55% return rate (in comparison with 25.07% at the 2014 elections). 2.2 Following